2014 ESEA ODYSSEY CONFERENCE Dona Bolt, State Coordinator Oregon Department of Education
Overview: McKinney-Vento Basics Title I-A Supports Funding: General and Supplemental Data: Results of District Counts Best Practices: Discussion Tips and Trade Secrets: Discussion
McKinney-Vento Act requires every district to Designate an active Homeless Liaison Participate in Annual Homeless Student Counts, PK-12 Have staff trained in MV requirements, definitions Revise policies to address barriers to success Provide immediate enrollment to homeless students Provide school of origin transportation Ensure access to programs, including Head Start Provide Dispute Resolution to resolve issues Assist homeless students to obtain immunizations Obtain and transfer school records
Title I-A requires all district recipients to: Deem all homeless students eligible for Title I-A services Reserve funds to provide Title I-A services to homeless students who do not attend Title I-A participating schools Title I-A: optional use of set-asides Provide services not available with other funds (examples on next slide) Provide additional services to homeless students attending Title I-A schools Support salary and work of Homeless Liaison Provide School-of-Origin Transportation
Districts also may use Title I-A funds for: Student fees necessary to participate in the regular education program (e.g., for cost of materials) Personal school supplies such as backpacks, notebooks, writing and math tools Obtaining student birth certificates Food, meals Urgent medical or dental care Vision exams, glasses
Awards based on quality of application: Needs assessment Types, intensity and coordination of services Involvement of parents and guardians Extent homeless students are integrated Evaluation plan Coordination with other available services
Spring week grant writing period Two-year Subgrants: for individual school districts and Consortia of multiple districts Each Consortium must have one fiscal agent: a district or an Education Service District (ESD) Approx. $480,000 available statewide with subgrants ranging $10,000 to $60,000
What can district administrators do to support district Homeless Liaisons?
How can Liaisons help administrators support the program?
How do you identify homeless children and youth in your district? Preschool and Younger Children in Homeless Families Unaccompanied Homeless Youths
Annual Data Collection Enrollment Forms Databases & Spreadsheets Time Management (Deadline: June 30) Head Start Data Early Childhood Program Data Unenrolled Homeless Children & Youth
Training At district level, by Liaisons Training for Liaisons - Online - Regional Liaison Events - State and National Conferences
Collaboration Head Start Programs Early Childhood Services Homeless Service Providers
Communication Regular Local Liaison meetings Oregon MVA Listserv District & Community Newsletters Awareness Events
Dona Bolt, State Coordinator McKinney-Vento Program Oregon Department of Education (503)