HOUSING POLICY FRAMEWORK: ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS IN VIRGINIA Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group May 17, 2013
Why Housing? Why Homelessness?
Governor McDonnell Issued Executive Order No.10 Established Housing Policy Framework for the Executive Branch Purpose of the Housing Policy Framework: Establish broad goals and policy direction related to housing policy Coordinate a comprehensive and effective housing policy with other public policy areas and initiatives across multiple secretariats within the executive branch
A Collective Impact Approach Partnerships among Federal, State and Local/Regional Stakeholders Funding Bodies – Public & Private Service Providers Service Recipients State & Federal Agencies from various Secretariats
Housing Policy Goals Enhance the ability of state and local agencies to offer consistent incentives for housing developments that incorporate “visitability” and Universal Design standards. Establish the Virginia Foreclosure Task Force. Create a structure authorizing a state housing trust fund to enable a consistent source of “gap” financing for affordable housing development.
Housing Policy Goals Establish and align state priorities and program resources to promote a continuum of quality housing options for special needs populations. Maintain and enhance administrative structures that support inter-agency and inter-secretariat collaboration in addressing special housing needs. Establish and align state priorities and incentives to promote private housing development that supports sustainable communities. Implement Homeless Outcomes Action Plan…
Homelessness in Virginia
Homeless Outcomes Advisory Committee Co-Chaired by Dr. Bill Hazel, Secretary of Health & Human Resources & Bob Sledd, Senior Economic Advisor to the Governor Membership of Committee State Agencies Nonprofit Agencies
Overall Goal: Reduce Homelessness By 15% 9
Homeless Outcomes Advisory Committee: Report & Recommendations - Goals Increase the number of permanent supportive housing units in the Commonwealth Increase flexibility of funding to prevent homelessness and support Rapid Re-housing for individuals and families Increase statewide data collection and system coordination Increase access to substance abuse and mental health treatment Improve discharge policies and procedures for foster care, hospitals, jails, correctional and mental health institutions
Homeless Outcomes Initiative Structure Homeless Outcomes Coordinating Council Secretary Bill Hazel, Co-Chair Bob Sledd, Co-Chair Pam Kestner, Homeless Outcomes Coordinator Homeless Outcomes Advisory Committee Bob Sledd, Chair Supportive Services & Funding Committee Bill Shelton, Chair Shea Hollifield, Co-Chair Discharge Policies Committee Banci Tewolde, Chair Keith Hare, Co-Chair Access to Substance Abuse & Mental Health Treatment Committee John Pezzoli, Chair Jim Martinez, Co-Chair Data Collection & System Coordination Committee Bob Sledd, Chair Bill Shelton, Co-Chair
Accomplishments to Date Creation of Coordinating Council In FY 2012, approximately 300 families were rapidly re-housed Department of Corrections reduces the number of prisoners being released without a plan by 85% Housing Trust Fund: $8 million in FY 2014 Permanent Supportive Housing: $1 million in FY 2013; $500,000 in FY 2014 Rapid Re-Housing: An additional $500,000 in FY 2013; $500,000 in FY 2014
Additional Accomplishments to Date Prototype solution to collect and report statewide data on an aggregate basis Statewide HMIS feasibility report Roadmap for future interagency data sharing The Healing Place of Hampton Roads has hired its first executive director General Assembly added $900,000 to the FY 2014 budget to expand capacity for therapeutic assessment drop-off centers to provide an alternative to incarceration for people with serious mental illness Overall number of people experiencing homelessness has decreased by 7.22% (between 2010 & 2012)
This information was compiled by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) from Point in Time Data submitted by the Continuums of Care. The Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness (VCEH) created the chart. Rates of Homelessness in Virginia
The Stars are Aligned System Transformation Moving from Reactive to Proactive Approach Federal Level – HUD New HEARTH Act State Level – DHCD shifted resources & approach Local/Regional – Continuum of Care Consortia also shifting priorities and working more collaboratively Freddie Mac Foundation Grant Funding
Housing Trust Fund $8 Million – Available July 1, 2013 $930,000 – Homeless Reduction Competitive Grant Pool Use of Grant Funds Temporary rental assistance, not to exceed one year Housing stabilization services in permanent supportive housing for homeless individuals and families Mortgage foreclosure counseling targeted at localities with the highest incidence of foreclosure activity Pre-development assistance for permanent supportive housing and other long term housing options for the homeless
What’s Next? Significant Progress but still have a lot to do! Continue focus on: Permanent Supportive Housing & Case Management Building the capacity of organizations to provide Rapid Re-housing Substance abuse treatment State Interagency Coordination/Collaboration Statewide Data Collection & Reporting
Aging of the Homeless Population “…it is important that the emerging shift in homeless assistance services towards prevention and rapid re-housing be accompanied by the development of best practices for serving older persons in such program frameworks.” Dennis Culhane, PhD University of Pennsylvania
Aging of the Homeless Population Increased need for less intensive forms of housing assistance that are suited to the needs of older persons experiencing short-term housing crises Targeted provision of permanent supportive housing (PSH) High need individuals who may be likely to stay in hospitals for extended periods or require expensive nursing home care
Questions & Feedback
Contact information Pam Kestner, MSW Homeless Outcomes Coordinator Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources