Homeless Populations Ofc. B.P.Corrado, CSPD School Resource Officer Palmer High School
Your perceptions?
Homelessness is… Defined in the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or their primary residence is one of the following: ▫A temporary place for people about to be institutionalized ▫Any place not meant for regular sleeping accommodation by humans ▫A supervised temporary shelter
How Many? National Alliance to End Homelessness study ▫2011 (using data from ) ▫656,129 homeless people in the United States 15,268 of those reside in Colorado 4% increase from 2008 to homeless per 10,000 residents Source: of-homelessness-in-america of-homelessness-in-america-2011
Local Population 360,890 permanent residents in Colorado Springs More than 300 homeless in the City
Local Impact Since June 2008, more than 500 “camps” on public land adjacent to recreational trails and creek beds. According to Homeward Pikes Peak, the average cost to support a single homeless person for police, fire, and medical services is $54,000 each year.
Why is there a Homeless Population?
Social situations ▫Home ▫Relationship
Economic situations ▫Employment ▫Finances ▫Insurance
Psychological situations ▫Un(der) diagnosed ▫Unmedicated
Choice? ▫Resources ▫Counseling
What works? Studies have shown that it takes an average of 75 contacts per chronic homeless person before they may consider making a change in their life. ▫Employment ▫Services and Referrals
What happens when services fail?
Enforcement Camping on public property prohibited: ▫ For public land areas (Enforced by HOT per policy) Camping restrictions: ▫ (Used for city parks ) Alcoholic beverages (in Parks): ▫
Enforcement (Cont’d) Littering prohibited: ▫ Possession of unsealed alcoholic beverages: ▫ Solicitation Prohibited (Aggressive): ▫
Enforcement (Cont’d) Solicitation on or near street or highway: ▫ Trespass on private property: ▫ New City Ordinance ▫What did we vote for?
What can you do? Read your handout Do your own research Have a plan National Alliance to End Homelessness ▫