More than housing....hope.
La Casa Norte’s mission is to serve youth and families confronting homelessness. We provide access to stable housing and deliver comprehensive services that act as a catalyst to transform lives and communities. Established in 2002, La Casa Norte has served over 20,000 individuals providing a continuum of housing and social support services. Today, the largest provider of services to homeless youth and Latino families experiencing homelessness in Chicago. A nationally recognized and awarded organization Mission & History
Local Need A July 2013 analysis by Chicago Coalition for the Homeless shows 116,042 Chicagoans were homeless in the course of the school year. CPS identified a record 18,669 homeless students in , an 8.2% increase from the prior year. Of this, 98.3% were children of color and 20% have been diagnosed with disabilities or development delays. Homeless students included 2,512 unaccompanied youth, teens who were homeless and living without parent or guardian. In Chicago, the Central Referral System for Permanent Supportive Housing for homeless families and individuals began in October Since that time, over 11,000 households have applied. That number includes over 4,000 households with children and over 1,500 youth ages As of February 2014, only 410 households have been housed. La Casa Norte turned away over 1,000 requests for shelter in just one of our programs in 2013
Our Approach Organically growing programs to address challenges and concerns of youth Ethnic and geographic diversity Program thresholds Implementation of a Harm Reduction Model across the organization Adapting “adult” models to fit youth strengths and needs Permanent Supportive Housing Blended Management
Continuum of Care for Homeless Youth Emergency Shelter Housing Emergency Shelter Housing Case Management Behavioral & Physical Health Care Food & Nutrition Education Education & Employment Clothing & Toiletries Transportation Assistance Case Management Behavioral & Physical Health Care Food & Nutrition Education Education & Employment Clothing & Toiletries Transportation Assistance Transitional Housing Permanent Supportive Housing Youth In College Family Reunification Increased Housing Stability Increased Education & Employment Attainment Increased Life Skills Achievement SERVICESHOUSING MODELS OUTCOMES
Outreach Drop In Centers Emergency Shelters Transitional Housing Permanent Supportive Housing Aftercare/ Follow Up Youth can access continuum at different points to meet their needs; Progression creates housing stability, self sufficiency and an end to homelessness Delivery of a Continuum of Services Homeless Youth Participant
Policy Solutions & Advocacy Chicago’s Plan 2.0 Create a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate menu of services for youth who experience homelessness in order to prevent homeless youth from becoming the next generation of homeless adults. Triple the capacity of the youth housing system by 2019 from 266 beds to 800 beds. First ever Point in Youth Time Count Pilot Vulnerability Index Tool Continued Statewide Advocacy Efforts
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