Housing addressing homelessness – A GHA perspective Paul Tonner 7 th October 2014
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Glasgow Housing Association Part of the Wheatley Group, GHA is a not-for-profit housing organisation, established after the stock transfer of Glasgow’s council housing stock in 2003 We provide services to our 43,000 tenants and 26,500 factored homeowners
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Better homes, Better Lives We have delivered Europe’s largest housing refurbishment programme Over £1 billion has been invested changing the face of the city
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Delivering National Priorities Facing economic challenges through joint working and innovation Supporting people to stay in their own homes Increasing educational achievement in our communities Creating safe, attractive and sustainable communities
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Section 5: What is it? The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 significantly changed the duties of local authorities towards homeless people in Scotland, while also recognising that RSLs had an increasing role to play in providing housing for statutorily homeless households. The Act requires RSLs to give ‘reasonable preference’ to homeless households and to provide accommodation for those households assessed as being unintentionally homeless and in priority need by the local authority. Through Section 5 it gives local authorities the power to require RSLs operating in their area to provide accommodation for homeless households. 5
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Section 5: Some big numbers 8, % 6
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Section 5: The Glasgow context 10,000 homeless applications per year - now under 7,000 (2013/14) Of which 4,700 applicants are owed a full duty C. 2,300 lets, via the Section 5 process, from all (63) RSLs Average 308 days in temporary accommodation Rough sleeping increasing Housing Regulator involved
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Using Section 5: Is it ‘really’ working? Is it fit for purpose? Does it deliver what is needed in Glasgow? Can it be improved? 8
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time How do we move forward? Homeless Duty Protocol - signed & sealed Key partners - develop a shared vision Supply & demand - to be clear and shared Strategy - into delivery Review - monitor, report & evaluate 9
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Innovative solutions Young People Leaving Care & Housing First 10
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Young People Leaving Care Protocol Background: The LCS/GHA Protocol was developed in 2007 as a result of the low numbers of permanent tenancies made available to care leavers. In response to this situation a Standard of Best Practice was developed outlining joint working arrangements between GCC and GHA initially. Then following a revision joint working relationships developing between GCC and other RSLs. Outcome: The protocol has been in operation for five years and is now fully established as the key method of obtaining tenancies for care leavers who are assessed as being ready for their own tenancy. There have been 132 lets made via the protocol since April
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Housing First: Why Did We Get Involved? A real partnership between Turning Point Scotland as support and care provider and RSLs as housing providers GHA’s Homelessness Strategy - places significant emphasis on preventing homelessness and sourcing appropriate support from a range of partners in helping our customers sustain their tenancies At the time, the project also fulfilled one of the outcomes of Glasgow’s Homelessness Strategy, namely: ‘Improve outcomes for homeless households with addiction and/or criminal justice issues, including accommodation’.
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Housing First: Our Approach 13
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Housing First: Delivery First section 5 referral received November 2010 All 6 cases for the pilot housed by May 2011 Cases housed in an average of 3 weeks from receipt of a Section 5 referral Overall 9 tenancies have been created of which 2 transferred to another RSL via SST and 4 have been terminated (0 evictions to date) There are 3 current tenancies and 1 live section 5 case
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Housing First: Issues and Interventions Noisy Parties Fighting in communal areas Disturbing Neighbours Causing damage to flat Police Visits Abusive to staff Loud music Graffiti Think Yes! Fire & Rescue meeting Child Protection meeting Concierge assistance Referral to Community Improvement Partnership Joint visitWarnings issued
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Housing First: Comments Support: Did it work, and if so, why? Tenancy sustainment: Better/worse than expected? Housing choice: Is there any? Partnership working: Was it effective? 16
Housing Options – The right idea, at the right time Question 17 Why do you think we are still not able to provide enough settled lets for homeless households in the city? What do you think the solutions are?