Papua New Guinea Brief Overview of Disasters
World Map
The designations on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the Regional Director concerning the legal status of any country or territory or the delimitation of its frontiers. NOTE: Shaded areas are outside the WHO Region for the Western Pacific World Health Organization Western Pacific Region Member: 28 States and 9 areas Population: 1,665.6 million (1999) Offices: WHO Regional Office (1) WR Offices (10) CLO Offices (5) PTT Office (1)
Papua New Guinea Population : 5.3 million
Types of Hazards possible in PNG Natural Tropical cyclones, epidemics, earthquakes, frost, floods, landslides, drought and other El Nino consequences, volcano eruptions, and tsunami. Man made Fires, ethnic warfare, aviation accidents, chemical spills, industrial and mining accidents.
Recent Disasters in PNG
Rabaul Harbour
19 th September 1994
Differences in the 2 major Disasters Rabaul (Volcano)Aitape (Tsunami) - Predicted - Not Predicted - Disaster plan(1983) - No Disaster plan -2 deaths (day1) - >1000 deaths(day1) -- 6 deaths (total) - >2000 deaths - 4 injured injured - 60,000 homeless - 6,000 homeless
Disasters Last five Years Calamities: Pop Affected Cost(K) Volcanic Activities (4)46,3584,058,870 Floods (22) 480,517 13,709,423 Landslides (22) 19,707(128k) 1,090,000 Sea Rise (1) 3, ,000 Famine (1) 2, ,000 Earthquakes (4) 221,285(2k) 18,674,000 Cyclone (1) 158,7804,960,760 Drought & Frost 2,326,830 29,073,496 Disease Outbreak (2) 196(11k) Hailstorm (3) 2, ,000 Tsunami (1) 12,427(2,227k) 6,008,100 Chemical Spill (1) ,000 Kerosene Explosion (1) 39(5k) 35,826 Total: (63) 3,274,375 (2,373k)K78,728,475
Prime Minister Minister for Inter-government Relations Director National Disaster Center Technical Advisers Provincial Disaster Coordinators Various Focal Points Disaster Response - National Structure
Governor Provincial Administrator Technical AdvisersProvincial Disaster Coordinators Various Focal Points Provincial Structure
Recurring and/or increasing hazards Communities with high vulnerability and insufficient readiness Insufficient public health information on emergency Need to strengthen institutional capacity for emergency management Lack of proactive collaboration among partner agencies Regional Issues on Emergency Management in the WPR
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