1 Executive Summary Title I Delivery Model 2009-10 Title I Personnel Changes for 2009-10 English Language Arts Instructional Coaches Intervention Teachers.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Summary Title I Delivery Model Title I Personnel Changes for English Language Arts Instructional Coaches Intervention Teachers Transition Plan Elements Early posting of positions in January 2009 Interview process to provide equal access to positions Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Lodi Education Association

2 Title I Delivery Model Presentation to the Lodi Unified School District Board of Education December 9, 2008

3 Title I District Allocations: Requirements District Title I allocations that must be set aside: Supplemental Education Services and School Choice(20%) Program Improvement Professional Development (10%) Highly Qualified Teacher Professional Development (5%) Parent Involvement (1%) Homeless Neglected/Delinquent Preschool

4 Title I Site Allocations Title I Guidance: Use of scientifically based researched strategies to: Strengthen the core academic program Increase the amount and quality of learning time (before & after school programs; an enriched, accelerated program) Strategies to meet the needs of historically underserved students Counseling; mentoring Develop highly qualified teachers Parent Involvement Effective, timely assistance to students who have difficulty mastering proficient and advanced academic levels

5 Title I Delivery Model : Personnel Site English Language Arts Instructional Coaches Site Intervention Teachers 1-2 Coach Trainers Title I Professional Development/Program Improvement Coordinator Supplemental Education Services/Homeless/Parent Involvement Facilitator Instructional Technology Coach Title I Technology Technician English Language Arts/Mathematics/Technology Coordinator Support

6 Title I Delivery Model : Program Support for English Language Arts Program Instructional Coaching Professional Development Assessment/Intervention Support Benchmark support Diagnostic assessment Intervention: targeted and accelerated

7 Title I Personnel Changes Instructional Coaching Support teachers in delivery of the English Language Arts Core Program Compilation of data for teachers Facilitation of grade level meetings Instructional Coaches at all Title I sites: Beckman; Clairmont; Creekside; Heritage; Lawrence; Needham; Oakwood; Parklane; Wagner-Holt; Washington; Westwood, Live Oak, Sutherland

8 Title I English Language Arts Instructional Coach Expectations Completion of SB 472 English Language Arts (ELA) Training Willingness to attend the Intensive Intervention training (Language!) if needed Attended or willingness to attend the on-going coaches training Willingness to attend district coach meetings Ability to provide support and assistance in the full and skillful implementation of the district’s adopted language arts program Interest in and ability to provide demonstration lessons for classroom teachers Familiarity with district assessments and skill in the utilization of the district’s data system Knowledge of the Cycle of Inquiry process and application of information gained from focal students Ability to serve as a resource in identifying students requiring interventions

9 Title I English Language Arts Instructional Coach Expectations (cont.) Ability to support teachers in the effective delivery of district adopted interventions and coaching in the appropriate instructional strategies to support student learning. Ability to assist teachers in the preparation and pacing of lessons. Willingness to provide on site professional development regarding the program components and the instructional design of how the program meets the standards. Willingness to assist grade level teams in the analysis and utilization of assessment data to improve student achievement and set goals for improved instruction. Willingness to act as resource to the site administrators in any areas under the coaches’ scope of work. Willingness to meet with the Administrator regularly to discuss student data to assess meeting school and grade level goals. Ability to provide assistance in differentiating instruction for English learners, students with special needs, and high achieving students.

10 Title I Personnel Changes Intervention Teachers Intervention aligned with English Language Arts Core Program Support Diagnostic Teaching (Benchmark, Strategic, Intensive students) & Differentiation Support students with special instructional needs Intervention based on benchmark and diagnostic assessments

11 Title I Personnel Changes Intervention Teachers cont. Intervention Teachers at all Title I sites: Beckman; Clairmont; Creekside; Heritage; Lawrence; Needham; Oakwood; Parklane; Wagner-Holt; Washington; Westwood; Parklane; Creekside

12 Title I Intervention Teacher Expectations Completion of SB 472 English Language Arts (ELA) Training Willingness to attend the Intensive Intervention training (Language!) and teach, if required Willingness to attend district intervention teacher meetings and on-going training Knowledgeable about the appropriate use of Universal Access time, Sound/Spelling Cards, and Focus Walls Knowledge of and willingness to administer diagnostic tools and to assist with progress monitoring Willingness to assist teachers in implementing district intervention strategies

13 Title I Intervention Teacher Expectations (cont.) Knowledge of the Cycle of Inquiry process and application of information gained from focal students Willingness to assist grade level teams in the analysis and utilization of assessment data to improve student achievement and set goals for improved instruction Ability to provide assistance in differentiating instruction for English learners, students with special needs, and high achieving students. Willingness to work side by side with the classroom teacher during Universal Access time Familiarity with district assessments and skill in the utilization of the district’s data system

14 Timeline of Transition Support January 2008 Established English/Language Arts Advisory Committee (Meetings held Spring 2008) March 2008: Assistant Superintendent met with Reading Recovery /Literacy Teachers to answer questions, encourage them to see Houghton-Mifflin/Coaching training, etc.

15 Timeline to Transition Support (cont.) March/April 2008 Meetings held at each site with Reading Recovery/Literacy Teachers and Site Administrators with Director of Educational Support Services, Assistant Superintendent and Director of Elementary Education

16 Timeline to Transition Support (cont.) and Additional Training offered: SB 472 Houghton-Mifflin Teacher Modules English Learner Professional Development Coaching Training Collaborative Title I Support Meetings Fall 2008 Collaborative Design of Transition Plan

17 Transition Plan Site Administrators and Director of Educational Support Services will determine number of available Title I support positions based on the Title I budget Positions for Intervention Teachers and Instructional Coaches will be posted in early posting in January 2009 Criteria for positions communicated

18 Transition Plan (cont.) Interviews will be conducted by site team with district office support Site-based intervention teachers and instructional coaches will be supervised by site principals with input from district program coordinators Mutual agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lodi Education Association