Bidding for Funds and Resources “Funding from Europe” Morag Kerr - WoSCoP
European Structural Funds - n European Social Fund (E.S.F.) For the development of people Priority towards students from most deprived areas Horizontal themes of “information society” and “lifelong learning” Promotion of “information literacy” as a core skill – and a key employability factor. Still opportunities under Objective 2 programme for Maximum Intervention of 45%
Funding Direct from EC n Leonardo Da Vinci Programme To improve skills and competencies of people in initial vocational training to support employability. To improve quality of and access to vocational education for adaptability (esp. in ICTs) To promote the contribution of vocational training to innovation – particularly to improve competitiveness and entrepreneurship Particular emphasis on innovative guidance and counselling projects.
Funding direct from EC - n Socrates Programme - actions include: Comenius – school education Erasmus – higher education Gruntvig – adult education & education pathways Lingua – learning European Languages Minerva – ICT and ODL in education May fund up to 75% of costs.
Socrates Programme - Aims n Broad Aims: The promotion of lifelong learning Development of a “Europe of Knowledge n Specifically: Strengthen European dimension in education Improve knowledge of foreign languages Promote cooperation & mobility Encourage use of new technologies Promote equality of opportunity
Hints and Tips n Don’t be afraid to ask for help Is there someone within organisation to help you? n Contact the Funding Agency They are there to support you. n Find a “buddy” Seek out someone who has already done it before. n Read all the guidance and rules MUST for person who will complete the application form and manage the project.
Project Outline Basic details of who, where, why, what and when. Partnership Equal Opportunities. Sustainability Lifelong Learning Evidence of Demand Empowerment Information Society
GCNS – Opening Doors Project n In partnership with SIMON Community n Target group is young, homeless people n Bad educational experience, do not identify with idea of learning or training n Very detailed, prolonged programme of individual support, high level of core skills development n Learn to study and to use the learning resources n Key to improving employability
Anniesland College – Steps into FE project n Designed to support unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. n Specific issues such as the need to have support programme which includes language support, IT literacy, trauma counselling, adaptation of skills and learning from home country. n Project combined high level of one-to-one guidance and counselling with vocational training and work experience. n Multiple partners providing different expertise. n Aim is to improve access.
Clydebank College – staff exchange n Host group of tutors from Lithuania who work with socially excluded students n To learn about tailoring provision to meet the needs of different groups n To understand what steps need to be taken to reduce barriers to entry n To understand the resources required by the organisation to train and support staff to change their approach to meet these needs. n Moving to Client Centred Approach.
WoSCoP – Online Construction Programme n In partnership with 10 colleges and Govan Initiative n Will deliver on-line learning programme in Construction, level 2 n Gruntvig Programme will allow sharing of expertise across 6 Member States n Adapt and adjust the training programme to meet different needs of each country n Promoting new learning methods, techniques, materials across Europe. n Access and support outside of classroom by support staff.
What makes a good project? n Programmes for excluded groups should combine elements – specially designed support programme, combined with element of vocational training, etc. n Different kinds of support for different target groups. n Information Literacy should be regarded as a core skill – can be included in all E.S.F. projects n Sharing expertise across EU – identify which countries have good practice, try to combine partners so that everyone learns something from the others.
Managing your project n Getting the funding is only the first step. (And sometimes the easiest) n High level of administration and checking for projects from EU n Keep track of every penny spent and every minute spent with the student/trainee n You can be audited up to 7 years after the project has been delivered n Keep the Funding body informed of any changes – financial and operational. You must ask for their approval to make significant changes n Keep time sheets for all staff. n Reputation becomes very important.
And Finally….. n Don’t let the bureaucracy put you off. n If you have good ideas, to support learning and/or students, there will always be funding to assist. n You might need to be the one who “carries the torch” on behalf of the learners. n But achievement is all the more rewarding when this is the case. n Next EU Programme will prioritise “Knowledge Economy” and “Information Society” programmes – greater need to ensure IT literacy especially for Higher Level skills. n Good Luck.