Heat Waves Longer summers and shorter winters Longer summers and shorter winters
Heat Waves Elderly. Elderly. Babies and very young people. Babies and very young people. Homeless. Homeless. Hearth problems and Hearth problems and Asthma Asthma
Spread of Diseases Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes
Spread of Diseases Malaria Malaria Dengue fever Dengue fever Yellow fever Yellow fever Encephalitis Encephalitis Cholera Cholera
Drought and Flooding Decrease and increase of the precipitation Decrease and increase of the precipitation
Drought and Flooding China’s provinces China’s provinces
Stronger Hurricanes and Storms As the oceans get warmer, storms get stronger. As the oceans get warmer, storms get stronger.
Worked Cited GORE, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It. New York: Rodale, GORE, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It. New York: Rodale, MARCELL, Kristen and Art DeGaetano. “Climate Change and New York’s Future”. New York State Conservationist Aug. 2007: Readers’ Guide Full Text. HW Wilson: Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. LaGuardia Community College Lib., Long Island City, NY. 14 Mar MARCELL, Kristen and Art DeGaetano. “Climate Change and New York’s Future”. New York State Conservationist Aug. 2007: Readers’ Guide Full Text. HW Wilson: Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. LaGuardia Community College Lib., Long Island City, NY. 14 Mar United States Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change: Health and Environmental Effects. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change: Health and Environmental Effects.