Mackenzie and Carly June 2 nd, 2011
62% Humidity Cold front moving out to the East Precipitation moving East, but we don’t expect rain until next week Average
84% Humidity Southwest wind-13mph Slight Drizzle Air pressure 30.00in Average Yesterday’s Weather June 1 Severe weather and tornadoes struck central Western Massachusetts Friday, leaving 100 homeless. Video
June 1 st, 2011
TimeTemp (°F) Humidity (%) Pressure (in) Wind Direction Wind Speed 8am West6.9 9am WSW9.2 10am WNW am WNW pm WNW15.0 1pm WNW21.9 2pm WNW21.9 3pm WNW23.0
Temperature today is in the normal range Between 50°F and 75°F
June 2June 3June 4June 5June 6 Partly CloudyScattered Clouds Partly CloudyScattered Clouds °F/ °F
91°F (1918) 42°F (1915) 2.90 in (1982)
High 70s this week so its not quite nice enough to go to the beach, but expect some nice spring days Great days for gardening and playing outside with the kids. Thee temperature will cool down significantly at night, so it could get a bit chilly for a bonfire.
Mackenzie DelVecchio and Carly Dallas June 2 nd, 2011 Forecasts on the hour, every hour