Presentation by E DWARD M. L AMBERT, J R. Director of the UMass Dartmouth Urban Initiative
Established by Chancellor Jean MacCormack to expand the University’s role in efforts to improve the quality of life in urban areas throughout the region and state Rooted in the philosophy that a region’s growth and prosperity is dependent upon the health of its cities Established in response to the challenge issued by MassINC in its Gateway Cities Report that the UMass System should make urban revitalization a core part of its mission
Mission & Focus Research & Data Analysis Project Development & Implementation Technical Assistance for Municipalities, State & Local Agencies, and Private/Non-profit Organizations Urban Public Policy Analysis
Achieving Our Goals: Methodology & Approach Engage Policy Makers Issue Policy Briefs and Research Reports Build Partnerships With Other Research-Oriented and Higher Education Organizations Foster Community and Statewide Dialogue on Key Issues Organize and Promote Events and Conferences Offer Technical Assistance and Training to Policy Leaders Encourage Civic Participation Link the University’s Resources to the Region and Beyond
Areas of Focus Economic Development Urban Education Workforce Development Municipal Organization & Finances Urban Policy Civic Engagement Leadership
Projects in Progress The Gateway Cities Initiative Springfield Economic Growth Initiative Downtown Taunton: Challenges & Opportunities SouthCoast Dropout Study: An Examination of National Best Practices for Prevention & School Change
The Gateway Cities Initiative Memorandum of Understanding signed with MassINC, publisher of the Gateway Cities report, to work together to forge a Coalition and to promote a new urban agenda for Massachusetts Working together with the Mayors, City Managers and Economic Development Directors of the Gateway Cities, a Compact for Economic and Community Development was drafted in early 2008
May 19, 2008 Signing of the Gateway Cities Compact
The Gateway Cities Initiative Developments Since the Signing of the Compact Formation of the Gateway Cities Legislative Caucus Statewide media coverage of the Gateway Cities cause Continued discussion among the members of the Gateway Cities Coalition and targeting of key economic development policy concerns Publication of MassINC Policy Brief: Going for Growth: Promoting Business Investment in Gateway Cities Ongoing consultation with state officials and key Cabinet-level staff
The Gateway Cities Initiative Gateway Cities Conference October 3, 2008 Advanced Technology & Manufacturing Center Focus of the Conference: Launch a State-Local Partnership Identify Key Policy Recommendations Those in Attendance will Include: Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray Gateway City Mayors & City Managers Gateway City Legislative Delegations Cabinet-level Secretaries
The New UMass Dartmouth School of Education, Public Policy, & Civic Engagement Fulfilling the vision of Chancellor Jean MacCormack as defined in UMass Dartmouth’s strategic plan, “Engaged, Embedded, & Evolving” Creates new synergy of resources, recognizing the need to apply policy analysis and research with new innovative educational approaches to create groundbreaking methods to raise educational attainment within the region and beyond Extends UMass Dartmouth’s reach and commitment to active involvement in improving quality of life for the region’s residents.
School of Education, Public Policy, & Civic Engagement Organizational Structure ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS The Teaching & Learning Department The Education Leadership Department Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM Interdisciplinary) Policy Studies Department CENTERS Center for University, School, & Community Partnerships Center for Policy Analysis The James J. Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in Mathematics Education Center for Civic Engagement
Presentation by E DWARD M. L AMBERT, J R. Director of the UMass Dartmouth Urban Initiative