Service-Learning/ Civic Engagement Civic Engagement Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world… it is the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
Paige Borelli Saint Louis University Graduate English teacher at a university in Macau, China VISTA – A one year commitment, meant to enhance capacity of institutions that combat poverty. Faculty Increase Service-Learning opportunities to address issues of poverty Students Increase student awareness of the issue of poverty and lead them to action Community Partners Deepen relationships with current partners and develop new ones Americorps* VISTA and Me
During our program included: During our program included: 1,913 students... served a total of 10,553 hours... served a total of 10,553 hours... at 65 agencies... at 65 agencies... valued at $208,835! valued at $208,835! Program Involvement
Accounting Anthropology Architectural Technology Art Biology Business Law College Orientation Communication Early Care & Education Education English As A Second Language English Comp History Interior Design Personal Development Physical Therapy Assistant Political Science Psychology Legal Studies Nursing Sociology Spanish Thirty three faculty members in the following disciplines participated: Archeology instructor takes students to restore Blake Mound each semester for field experience.
What the Students Say… ~ When the kids clapped after my reading and were quiet during my reading, I felt very important. I loved the attention they gave me and that they wanted me to read again. ~ It gave me an insight as to the different patients in nursing homes and how things run. The staff there was so important to my patient’s transition and I want to help people make that transition. ~ Gave me real experience with hands on Archeology, using proper forms and procedures, not to mention methods and tools.
Work Study Program/ Community Service Serve your Community! Work for a Food Pantry Tutor Assist the Elderly Contact Mike Smith Financial Aid Manager (314) And Donna Halsband Coordinator of Service-Learning/Civic Engagement (314)
Cancer Awareness Day ~ Students learn about preventable cancers from organizations specializing in skin, breast, testicular, throat and lung cancers. Our Meramec student nurses (as shown above) educated their peers as well. ~ A mammogram mobile is available for screenings. Cancer Awareness Day Sept am-1:30pm, SC Quad
9/17 – Voter Registration Voting Machine Demo Guest Speaker on Government response to Economic Crisis Series of Programs on Citizenship Constitution Week
Missouri Campus Compact 5 th Annual Statewide Conference Research Service-Learning Civic Action Community Service Concurrent Presentations in Speakers Dr. Mathew Johnson of Siena College Friday, September 25 th 2009 At Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City Register Now! Registration begins August 3 rd !
Hunger Awareness Nov. 2 – Campus Food Drive Nov. 18 – Hunger Awareness Day Hunger 101 Empty Bowls Luncheon Nov. 16 – Can Sculpture
Women’s History Month Photo II students will work with cancer patients at St. John’s Hospital to enrich their lives with art using photography as a form of expression.
Spring Break 2010 – New Orleans a service trip to rebuild homes and lives a service trip to rebuild homes and lives
Community Partners
Find the tools to integrate Service Learning into your course: Information about agencies Forms you will need Project and Syllabi Samples Service-Learning Websites
Contact: Donna Halsband – Service-Learning Coordinator Linda Krull – Assistant to Donna Halsband Paige Borelli – AmeriCorps* VISTA for Missouri Campus Compact BA 219 J, Ext