Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks By Karen Parlett Pleasants County Middle School Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks Biographical Sketch: We are normal igneous and sedimentary rocks. Gary GraniteUsed to be a hothead magma man, but is cool now. Larry LimestoneSmooth, gray, strong, but kind of fizzy (or is that dizzy). Beverly BituminousDark, energetic, “lights up the room” type girl. Sammy SandstoneGritty, often tough, but tends to crack under pressure. Sharon ShaleSmooth, but kind of crumbly. 1.Heat and pressure changed us into the Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks. What are our Mighty Metamorphic Power names? 2.Use these descriptions, or some of your own, to make up a story, skit, or comic strip about these rocks who become the “Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks.” You may want to add more characters. Just remember to use real rocks and some real possibilities in your story. Use rock books and encyclopedias to help you. Add illustrations if you wish. 3.Students will present this to the class when finished. Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks Biographical Sketch: We are normal igneous and sedimentary rocks. Gary GraniteUsed to be a hothead magma man, but is cool now. Larry LimestoneSmooth, gray, strong, but kind of fizzy (or is that dizzy). Beverly BituminousDark, energetic, “lights up the room” type girl. Sammy SandstoneGritty, often tough, but tends to crack under pressure. Sharon ShaleSmooth, but kind of crumbly. 1.Heat and pressure changed us into the Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks. What are our Mighty Metamorphic Power names? 2.Use these descriptions, or some of your own, to make up a story, skit, or comic strip about these rocks who become the “Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks.” You may want to add more characters. Just remember to use real rocks and some real possibilities in your story. Use rock books and encyclopedias to help you. Add illustrations if you wish. 3.Students will present this to the class when finished. Two to three 40-minute classes None listed Students will describe various ways rocks can form, and recognize that rocks change over time. Students will write a short story, skit, or comic strip about how the rocks became the Might Metamorphic Power Rocks. Students will describe various ways rocks can form, and recognize that rocks change over time. Students will write a short story, skit, or comic strip about how the rocks became the Might Metamorphic Power Rocks. Various resource books Brief description of rocks Biographical information of rock “personalities” Various resource books Brief description of rocks Biographical information of rock “personalities” The finished product, story skit, or comic strip is assessed as to accuracy and creativity. Students can explain how change relates the three kinds of rocks. None listed Limestone can become marble, bituminous can become anthracite, sandstone can become quartzite, shale can become slate or schist, and granite might become gneiss. Objectives Materials and Equipment Materials and Equipment Time Procedures Assessment Further Challenges Further Challenges Overview Teaching Suggestions Safety Note