Quality Management What is Quality?
Quality Management In small groups discuss the questions “What Is Quality?”
Quality Management Quality is consistent conformance to customers expectations (an operations view – Slack et al)
Quality Management Quality is the ability of a product or service to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. “Meeting customer needs” (John Oakland)
Quality Management Quality is “conformance to requirements” (Philip B. Crosby 1984) Quality is “fitness for use” (Joseph Juran 1986) Quality of a product or services is its ability to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer
Quality Management The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs ( IS0 8402) (1986)
Quality Management The degree of conformance of all the relevant features and characteristics of the product (or service) to all aspects of a customers needs, limited by the price and delivery he or she will accept. (Groocock 1986)
Quality Management Quality can be; Qualitative Quantitative
Quality Management Quality is based on 5 characteristics Technological e.g. strength & hardness Psychological e.g. taste, beauty, status Time-oriented e.g. reliability & maintainability Contractual e.g. guarantee provisions Ethics e.g. courtesy, honesty (Juran 1988)
Quality Management Four Dimensions of quality may be defined for the production of goods & services:- Quality of design Quality of conformance The "abilities" Field service
Quality Management Different Types of Quality Fitness for use Quality of design Quality of conformance Availability Field service Quality of market research Quality of concept Quality of specification Technology Manpower Management Reliability Maintainability Logistical Support Promptness Competence Integrity Different Types of Quality (Juran, Gryna & Bingham, "Quality Control Hand Book" 1988)
Quality Management Quality of Design This takes place before production of the product or service. It is usually determined by the market place. Quality of Conformance This is producing to the specification Availability This has a time dimension Field Service This is an intangible and is the provision of "after sales service"
Development of Quality 1924 - Statistical process control charts 1930 - Tables for acceptance sampling 1940’s - Statistical sampling techniques 1950’s - Quality assurance/TQC 1960’s - Zero defects 1970’s - Quality assurance in services
The History of Quality Guild Halls - standards (materials, products, practices, conditions). Industrialisation supervisors - growing responsibility for quality - formal quality inspection.
The History of Quality Post WW1 - sophistication - stats, societies, standards (military, civil, international). Post WW2 - Japanese adopt and adapt quality methods
Quality Management In small groups discuss - Problems On Your Web Site
What can fail on your site ? Domain name wrong or not usable Broken links, broken emails Server load – too many hits on the site Client side performance –down load time Security isn’t working Content is out of date Browser incompatibility, HTML doesn’t validate Interface – navigation, link colour Graphics missing or too large Scripts don’t work - forms, databases Isn’t accessible to those with disabilities
What you can test Functional testing Compatibility testing Load/performance testing Stress testing Usability testing Security testing Integration of unit testing Link testing HTML Validation Reliability testing Regression testing
Why have quality?
The Deming Cycle or PDCA Cycle PLAN CHECK DO ACT Plan a change to the process. Predict the effect this change will have and plan how the effects will be measured Implement the change on a small scale and measure the effects Adopt the change as a permanent modification to the process, or abandon it. Study the results to learn what effect the change had, if any.
Cause and Effect Analysis (Fish-Bone or Ishikawa Diagrams) • Helps the group to visualise the problem • Encourages divergent thinking but along a logical path • Provides diagram for easy discussion • Based on brainstorming but more visual
Perceptions of Quality
Service Quality Dimensions Word of Mouth Personal Needs Past Experience Dimensions of Service Quality Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Tangibles Perceived Service Quality ES<PS Quality Surprise ES=PS Satisfactory ES>PS Unacceptable Quality Expected Service Perceived Service
Service Process Control Customer input Service concept Customer output Resources Service process Take corrective action Monitor conformance to requirements Establish measure of performance Identify reason for nonconformance
What the Customer wanted What Marketing suggested What Management approved What product Development designed What Sales delivered What Customer Care negotiated
Quality Gap Model The Customers Domain The operations domain Previous experience Word of mouth Communications Image of product or service Gap 4 Customers' expectations concerning a product or service Customers 'perceptions concerning the product or service Perceived quality Is there a gap? Customers' own specification of quality Gap 1 The actual product or service Management's concept of the product or service Organisations specification of quality Gap 3 The operations domain Gap 2
The Gaps Gap Action required to ensure high perceived quality Main organisational responsibilities Gap 1 The customer's specification operation gap Ensure there is consistency between the internal quality specification of the product or service and the expectations of the customer Marketing Operations Product/Service development Gap 2 specification- Ensure the internal specification of product or service meets its intended concept or design Gap 3 The quality actual quality gap Ensure that the actual product or service conforms to its internally specified quality level Gap 4 The actual Quality communicated image gap Ensure that the promises made to customers concerning the product or service can in reality
Gaps in Service Quality Word -of-mouth communications Personal needs Past experience Customer Expected service GAP 5 Perceived service Service delivery (including pre- and post-contacts) External communications to consumers GAP 3 GAP 1 GAP 4 Translation of perceptions into service quality specifications GAP 2 Provider Management perceptions of consumer expectations
The Quality Chain