Introduction new & old members What is SAAB IUPUI Signature events Committees Dress code Times & Dates Book and Themes Agenda Hermano Y Hermano Activity-I am more than what you see From Dictatorship to Democracy Committee selection
The Student African American Brotherhood Organization is a dynamic organization established specifically to assist our participants to excel academically, socially, culturally, professionally, and in the community. SAAB is primarily comprised of male students who strive for academic excellence and make a commitment to plan and implement programs that benefit their community at large. We encourage our participants to embrace leadership by being positive examples for each other through a strong commitment to academic achievement, brotherhood, and community service. We provide weekly study sessions, weekly developmental seminars for students of all ages, business meetings, social and religious activities, and work with various non-profit service agencies (i.e., Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Boys Club, etc.).
Currently we are at approximately 30 active members 20 members make up the organization portion 8 SAAB mentors Participate with other organizations & Units on campus
Men’s Empowerment Luncheon Study Table’s Hermano y Hermano Brotherhood to New York Fellowship MAAFA Tour Harlem
Ice Cream Social (resume building): Sept. 17 Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible Oct. 9 Resume and interview conduct workshop Relationships (with SAAS)
Each committee will have a chair and co-chair
IUPUI SAAB Dress Code is as Follow: General Meetings: Executive board and Committee Chairs Official SAAB tie with long sleeve dress shirt. Belt with no fancy or branded buckle Khakis or slack pant with no extra pockets or labels (i.e. no cargo pant) Any dark or neutral color loafer or dress shoe Committee Co-Chair and General Assembly Long sleeve dress shirt and tie (weather condition may allow for polo’s) Belt with no fancy or branded buckle Khakis or slack pant with no extra pockets or labels (i.e. no cargo pant) Any footwear except thronged sandals
View handout
General Meetings are every Tuesday Aug. 26 through Dec. 2 7:45am (meeting will start then) Meeting will conclude at 8:45am Executive Board and Committee Chair must 7:30am Meetings will be in Campus Center room 305 Room change for Sept 16. & Oct 7. room 268 SAAB time… is ON TIME, every time
Themes derived from chapters in the book “No More Excuses: Black Men Stand Up!” Discussions and activities will be conducted during the “teachable moment” of general meetings See handout for breakdown
Education service project to the Dominican Republic 8 brothers attended Painted school Course work Race relation with the effect the Afro and Latino community Global & local
There is more to me than what you see? Negative or unsuccessful stigmas of black males Positive or successful stigmas of black males
K-12 ideology Teacher has the say so You as a student may not have power Higher education You have all the say so You have the power Despite the stigmas You pay their bills You are the agent of change
Committee selection Questions SAAB Future Events College in general Classroom Social Life Females Parties Thank You “I am my Brother’s Keeper and together we will rise”