How to Pull a Truck & Trailer Safely Ethan Williams
Why Do a Pre Trip 1. There are three excellent reasons for a professional truck driver to perform a thorough pre-trip inspection. First, it is the law. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (49 CFR, Part ) state “Before driving a motor vehicle, the driver shall be satisfied that the motor vehicle is in safe operating condition……” 2. Second, costly vehicle breakdowns on the road may be prevented. If vehicle deficiencies are noted at the beginning of the trip, repairs may be made more easily, quicker, and at less expense. Failures to meet delivery schedules will be reduced. 3. Third, and most important, accidents will be avoided. Most commercial vehicle accidents that are attributable to vehicle component failure could have been avoided by detecting the deficiency prior to departure. 4. Pre-trip inspections, properly done in a systematic manner, do not take a lot of time. The few minutes that are spent are a positive investment in safety.
Trailers Tires Brakes Lights Landing Gear Tandem Slide Kingpin Trailer Floor Trailer Walls/Roof Crossbeams Trucks Engine/Engine Accessories Brakes Tires Lights Steering/Suspension Grease Fittings 5 th Wheel
Checking Tire Pressures To check air pressures. You fill and check air pressures using the valve stem. Tools needed for this task is a tire pressure gauge to check pressures, and a tire inflation tool to add air The valve stem lets you add, and remove air controllably. Always fill to recommended specifications.
Checking Tire Thread Depth To check the thread depth you use special measuring tool to measure the thickness of the tires. The grooves you see are where water separates from the road. If the thread is too low, you will lose traction, causing the vehicle to be hard to steer, or maneuver. On tractor tires the steer tires (front) the minimum thread is 4/32nds, and rear truck and trailer tires is 2/32nds.
Truck Lights All trucks and trailers are equipped with running lights. For trucks there are headlights which include high beam and low beam. Upper clearance lights, stop lights, and taillights. It is mandatory for all the lights on the equipment to be functioning properly. If not the driver will be ticketed.
Marker Lights – Amber/Yellow Tail/Brake Lights – Red Headlights - Clear
Front Suspension The front suspension is probably one of the most important group of components to check when servicing equipment. These are the group of parts that makes steering possible. If one of these parts was to fail at a high rate of speed, a very serious accident if not fatal could occur. When checking components checked for damaged parts, broken pieces, and loose and broken bolts.
Checking the Engine Area When checking the engine, you have to be on close watch for small problems. When checking belts look for small cracks, splits, and tears. Look for fluid leaks. Check all hoses and electrical connections. Make sure there are no holes or deep abrasions in hoses or electrical wires. Check all fluids.
Checking Brakes When checking brakes the following components should be checked : Brake shoes Drums S- Cams Slack Adjuster Brake chambers Air lines fittings / Air Valves
Checking A Trailer
Checking Tires The same as the truck check thread depth and tire pressures. Make sure there are no holes, leaks, or punctures in tires.
Checking Brakes Same as the truck. Make sure that the slack adjuster, brake chambers, air valves are in working condition. As long these components are working the brakes are just fine.
Body of Trailer The roof is important.When there is a hole in the roof it can cause the products that are being transported to get damaged. The roof is also a structure point of the trailer. If the roof as damage it needs to be fixed immediately The crossbeam bolts are bolts that keep the trailer frame bolt to the body. If these bolts are broken off or damaged they need to be replaced The floor is made out of wood. It is bolted down to the crossbeam below. It is important to keep the floors in good condition. With holes in the floor they possibly injure workers are damage loading products
Checking Landing Gear When checking the landing gear it is vital to find cracks or missing bolts. This one of the most important parts of a trailer. This is what hold the trailer up
Pre Trip / Post Trip Maintenance is key for equipment survival. A good pre trip/ post trip will identify any problems with the equipment. Although it is a mechanic that fixes the problem, it is your responsibility to report a potential problem Remember when you are performing post trip/ pre trip think will this be safe road. If you are unsure if it will be safe on the road then ask a professional for a second opinion. You make the final call. Just remember to ask yourself. Is it Safe?