Did you help the common people You cannot ask me questions with 21 st century ethics and expect me to answer in any way other than my own views which are governed by 16 th century acceptable practices. The common people loved me, they feared me and they served me. There were 2 million of them, working hard to get by without early death due to health or war. A Flemish envoy remarked that the English poor-to-rich alike were well fed and happy with their lot. The rest of Europe had the same poverty, disease and powerful leaders, we in England under my rule faired better. So an answer to your question from my viewpoint is Yes, I gave England stability, religious freedom to read the Bible in English without the Priest reading it to them, I took away the taxes of the greedy church, I gave England a proud position in Europe. From the peoples point of view, they never saw the whole picture, only their village and family. I believe that they felt more secure under my rule than under the Yorkist Plantagenet tyranny. They had food in their belly, there was work to earn a living and materials to build a roof over their heads. The Church no longer took their money and they could pray to God in their own way. A Tudor Village in Somerset
million million million million million M 2.5M 3M 3.5M 4M Population in Millions Year The population of Tudor England Henry VIII comes to power Henry VIII Dies
The way History was written then gives a poor impression of real life. Which of these drawings gives the true story? I will leave it up to you