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Macquestion One Macbeth was a loyal servant before the witches proposed prophecies to both him and Banquo. His change in attributes go from valiant and honourable, to: Overwhelmed and nervous Excited and cheerful Scheming and greedy Confused and upset
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Correct! Macbeth, at the beginning of the play, was a loyal servant to the King of Scotland. He was also valiant and honourable, although ambitious too. Before hearing the witches prophecies, Macbeth controlled his ambition – it actually helped him become the good man he was. After the prophecies were announced to him, however, Macbeth became so consumed in what could have happened if he became king. His desire and push for King became so uncontrollable that it destroyed him. Are you ready for the next question? OK!
Macquestion Two What was Macbeth’s first response to the witches’ prophecies? Macbeth was doubtful of the prophecies being true Macbeth believed in the prophecies, but Lady Macbeth did not Macbeth became overwhelmed with the thoughts of what he could be – King, wealthy, powerful. Macbeth hated the thought that he could become King as he was happy with who he was
That’s right! Although Macbeth became a conspiring, overly ambitious man, this is not what happened as soon as they heard the news. Macbeth’s first response intended that he didn’t believe in the prophecies. That was, until the first prophecy came true – Macbeth was announced as the Thane of Cawdor. He then started seeing himself wearing the crown as he realised that the witches may have been telling the truth. We know that his response grew into greed and excessive ambition because of extracts from the play such as: “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on the other” Are you ready for the next question? OK!
Macquestion Three What would Lady Macbeth do when Macbeth was unsure about killing Banquo? She would poison his wine She would threaten to leave him She would question his courage She turned him in of stealing
Yes! Lady Macbeth was a lot more forcefu l about the prophecies coming true in the early days than Macbeth. She believed that a true man takes what he wants. Whenever Macbeth would try to pull out of Lady Macbeth’s plans for him to become king, she would question his courage. An example from the text of Macbeth which shows how Lady Macbeth wanted her husband to become king so badly is found in Act 1, Scene 5, lines 39 – 42, and is shown on the left. Are you ready for the next question? “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the toe – top – full of the direst cruelty. Make thick my blood.” OK!
Macquestion Four What is the following quote, spoken by Lady Macbeth, about? “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the toe – top – full of the direst cruelty. Make thick my blood.” Lust, love and desire for Macbeth Caring for Lady Macbeth’s family Her hate of Macbeth Lady Macbeth wanting to become more man – like and cruel
True! Studying Lady Macbeth’s quote, shows that she wanted to change her womanly ways so she did not have emotions to hold her back. She wanted to be more like a man so it was easier for her to kill Duncan even on her own if she had to. She hoped that, being a woman, her thoughts would not affect her actions. She assumed that as soon as Macbeth became King of Scotland, she could forget about the horrible things she and her husband did. This actually resulted in being the opposite of her predictions, and Lady Macbeth realises that her guilt isn’t so easily avoided. The guilt overwhelms her so much that she kills herself in order to escape it. This is also evidential in the quote, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” This is where the guilt catches up with Lady Macbeth, and she becomes ‘ mad ’, trying to scrub off the blood of a murder on her hands, yet it seems to not disappear. Are you ready for the next question? OK!
Macquestion Five Is Banquo ambitious? Yes No
Yeah! Banquo is Macbeth’s friend, who is also a Scottish Nobleman. The weird sisters tell Banquo that along with Macbeth, his descendants will sit on the throne. Like Macbeth, he is an ambitious man, but does not let his ambition overthrow his morals, especially being honourable to his country, Scotland. This is shown in , where Banquo says, “And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence.” Here, he expresses that even when bad people say something that ends up being half truthful, they do it to bring them to a ruin. So, people who are good, like him, have to stay true to themselves and not be selfish and let ideas control them (like Macbeth did). Guess what...
Oh no!