Cluster proposal « Integrated and sustainable management of natural areas/resources in Med territories » David GASC Association Internationale Forêts Méditerranéennes.


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Presentation transcript:

Cluster proposal « Integrated and sustainable management of natural areas/resources in Med territories » David GASC Association Internationale Forêts Méditerranéennes (AIFM)

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 THE AIFM – International Association for Med Forests International association specialized in fostering dialogue between all wooded lands-concerned stakeholders in the Mediterranean  15-years experience in cooperation projects and networking incl. outside the EU : on governance, adaptation to CC, wood-energy, NWFP, cork oak  Med communication tools : publications ( Latests on Mediterranean forests, International issue of FM magazine,  Member of Collaborative partnership on Mediterranean forests (FAO…), Working group on territorial approaches and sustainable devpt, links with EU bodies… 2  Highlight and develop synergies between partners and initiatives

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 WHY A CLUSTER (PROPOSAL OF OBJECTIVES) ? To share experiences and good practices on territory-based problematic for collective thinking To gather scattered initiatives and strenghten existing synergies and networks To integrate forest issues in territorial planning issues To develop formulation of a “shared voice” of Mediterraneans To formulate/influence policies at various levels (bottom-up)  MED programme evaluation and next period  EU (RDR, ForestEurope…)  Others (initiatives in the Mediterranean, local…)

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 WHY INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL AREAS ?

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 WHY INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL AREAS ? Multifunctionality of Mediterranean natural areas (of which forests)  Mediterranean areas: more than forests !  Interrelations between sectors: agriculture, tourism, civil protection, urbanism… Diversity of approach to be dealt with Necessity to cross different approaches and sensitivities to comprehend and tackle whole functioning of rural areas to address climate change and sustainable development Territorial cohesion, environmental sustainability / rural areas, protected natural areas (EU 2020 Strategy priorities)

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 WHO COULD PARTICIPATE AND CONTENT ?  QUALIGOUV ✓  FORET MODELE ✓  CYPFIRE ✓  FOR CLIMADAPT ✓  SYLVAMED ✓  COASTANCE  PROTECT  RURURBAL  WOODE3  PROFORBIOMED ✓  2BPARKS  MEDGOVERNANCE  Others Enpi projects… (open)  Gouvernance  Civil protection  Economical valorization  Territorial and social cohesion  Natural and protected areas  Adaptation to climate change / natural risks management  … (open) Few motived projects better than many not motivated

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 PROPOSAL OF CLUSTER’S MAIN ACTIVITIES 1.What to share between us?  Formulation and exchanges of main results from each project  Peer review of various projects (including no-MED) 1.How to share?  Joint seminar  Technical workshops involving no-MED partners (other Interreg) 7

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 Why these sessions ? Case studies from Italy and Spain (QUALIGOUV, FORET MODELE), France, Turkey, Lebanon, Morocco More than 150 participants from 16 countries A real success ! EXAMPLE “Forêts, Sociétés et Territoires” Avignon, April 2011

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 Projet européen FOR CLIMADAPT – séminaire de Mértola – juin

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre 2011 PROPOSAL OF CLUSTER’S MAIN ACTIVITIES 3.How to promote common results?  Long-term web platform (including mapping) to disseminate projects results and pilot sites involved in each project  Wide dissemination in the Med using communication tools  Contribution to mainstreaming on EU, regional and Mediterranean policies levels  Integrated strategy on Mediterranean forests (FAO)  Next RDR and Forest Strategy of the EU  Programming period for territorial cooperation of EU  Organization of specific events (EP Intergroup…) 10

Journée de Cluster et de capitalisation – 30 novembre Thanks for your attention Merci de votre attention