UNCG Projected Tuition and Fees 2011-2012 Board of Trustees The University of North Carolina at Greensboro December 2, 2010
Tuition and Fee Process UNCG Tuition and Fee Committee co-chaired by Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Two subcommittees reviewed campus-based tuition increases and potential fee increases (including student activity fee, student health fee, educational and technology fee) Student Fee Sub-Committee heard fee requests over past 2-3 weeks Tuition Sub-Committee met and discussed proposed tuition Committee considered recommendations from two sub-committees, reviewed facility fee proposals, and developed recommendations for Chancellor Tuition and Fee Committee provided recommendations to Chancellor in late October Chancellor discusses with Students and develops final recommendations Board of Trustees will consider recommendations at December meeting
Campus Initiated Tuition Increase (CITI) Subcommittee Committee Chair: Alan Boyette, Vice Provost Student Leaders: Katie Marshall, Student Government Association President Cindy Webb, Graduate Student Association President Senate Chair: John Gamble, Faculty Senate Chair Josh Hoffman, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Professional Staff: Cherry Callahan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Steve Honeycutt, Director of Financial Planning and Budgets Deborah Tollefson, Director of Financial Aid
Student Fee Subcommittee 17 members including 9 students, 4 faculty members, 4 administrators Committee Chair: Cherry Callahan, Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Undergraduate Students: Katie Marshall , President, Student Government Association John Johnston, Junior Amanda Headley, Junior Aaron Peoples, Sophomore Sarah Quirk, Sophomore Heather Sit, Senior Graduate Students: Cindy Webb, President, Graduate Student Association Elizabeth Reilley Chloe Russell Faculty Members: Terry Ackerman, Educational Research Methodology Robin Gee, Dance Catherine Holderness, Business Administration Sarah Martin, Art Administrators: Steve Honeycutt, Director of Financial Planning & Budgets Reade Taylor, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Deborah Tollefson, Director of Financial Aid
Total Operating Budget Revenues (2009-10 $373 million)
How does UNCG compare within our system? 2001-2002 Annual Rates Institution In-State Undergraduate Tuition and Fees NC State $3,228 UNC Chapel Hill $3,219 UNC Greensboro $2,589 UNC Wilmington $2,583 East Carolina $2,501 UNC Charlotte $2,456 UNC Asheville $2,426 NC Central $2,350 Appalachian State $2,270 NC A&T $2,239 Western Carolina $2,237 UNC Pembroke $2,069 Winston-Salem State $1,918 Elizabeth City State $1,840 Fayetteville State $1,770
How does UNCG compare within our system? 2010-11 Annual Rates Institution In-State Undergraduate Tuition and Fees UNC Chapel Hill $6,544 NC State $6,395 UNC Wilmington $5,324 Appalachian State $5,175 UNC Charlotte $5,118 Western Carolina $5,054 UNC Greensboro $4,926 East Carolina $4,801 UNC Asheville $4,678 NC Central $4,481 NC A&T $4,321 UNC Pembroke $4,140 Winston-Salem State $4,018 Elizabeth City State $3,640 Fayetteville State $3,452
How do UNCG’s tuition & fee rates compare nationally? For the twelfth year in a row, UNCG was ranked among the nation’s "best value” public colleges by The Princeton Review, an honor earned by only about 15 percent of the nation’s four-year colleges. In addition, Forbes Magazine included UNCG in its 2010 list of America’s Best College Buys. The university was listed 37th among 100 colleges and universities in the United States.
College Board Study of Undergraduate Tuition & Fees College Board annual study of average undergraduate costs of tuition and fees at four-year public colleges (2010-11 data): The in-state cost of tuition and fees at public universities averaged $7,605 in comparison to UNCG's cost of $4,926. For non-residents, the cost of tuition and fees at all public universities averaged $19,595, in comparison to UNCG's non-resident cost of $16,687. It's easy to see how The Princeton Review and Forbes concluded that UNCG offers an outstanding value.
What is tuition? Tuition (along with state appropriations) supports the cost of delivering instruction, academic support, and essential administrative infrastructure.
UNCG CITI Proposal Regular Term Tuition Increase Per Student 2011-2012 Tuition Rate In-State Undergraduate $ 211 $ 3,454 Graduate Student $ 242 $ 3,969 Out-of-State $ 975 $ 15,979 $ 988 $ 16,195
How would tuition increase revenue be used? UNCG CITI Proposal Total of approximately $4.5 million Funds would remain at UNCG to support: Financial Aid $1.1 million (25%) Graduate Awards and Waivers $0.2 million (5%) Offset Budget Reductions in Faculty $3.2 million(70%)
UNC Greensboro 2011-12 Reductions Potential UNC Greensboro 2011-12 Reductions 5% Reduction $8.6 million 10% Reduction $17.2 million 15% Reduction $25.8 million
What are Fees? UNC system Board of Governors authorized campuses to charge “general fees,” “fees related to the retirement of debt,” an “ASG fee,” and several special fees. Fees support student programs, services, and facilities on the campuses for which state funding can not be used.
What are Fees? “General fees” are Activities Athletics Educational & Technology Health “Fees related to the Retirement of Debt” Facilities Fee Other Fees “ASG fee” Transportation
What Does It Provide? --Student Activities Fee 2010-11
What does it provide? --Athletics Fee Fee supports most costs of UNCG’s Division I intercollegiate athletics program. Some cost is met by revenue and by endowment income. Maintenance of athletics facilities is supported by the student activities fee.
What does it provide? --Educational and Technology Fee Educational = formerly “course fees” Technology = partial support of IT for student class and out-of-class use
What does it provide? --Facilities Fee Pays-off the debt incurred on “capital projects” when student facilities are built or renovated—for example: Soccer stadium Student Recreation Center Baseball stadium EUC renovation Student Health Center expansion/renovation (**Facilities fee does not include residence halls, dining or parking facilities; these are paid by users.)
What does it provide? --ASG Fee Association of Student Governments of the 16 UNC campuses supports and advocates for the concerns of students
Who Pays General Fees? Students pay fees along with their tuition each semester. Exceptions: Distance learners who take no courses on campus pay only the Educational & Technology Fee. Graduate students enrolled in fewer than 6 credit hours and undergraduates enrolled in fewer than 9 credit hours have the option of paying the health fee or they could pay for services at the “market rate” of the Greensboro community.
How does UNCG compare? Required Fees 2010-2011 Athletic Activity Health Ed. & Tech. Facility Ad. Comp. SGA TOTAL UNCW 434 593 181 398 688 1 2,295 WCU 617 526 245 363 52 2,238 ASU 569 523 256 502 2,214 UNCC 489 534 170 342 485 53 2,074 UNCA 620 683 244 284 220 2,052 ECU 230 202 318 50 1,920 WSSU 579 421 187 366 190 1,744 UNCCH 271 343 435 208 1,729 UNCP 595 527 128 216 80 1,717 NCAT 532 443 227 336 161 1,700 UNCG (11th) 368 (14th) 252 (3rd) 301 (10th) 272 (7th) 1,683 NCCU 584 408 204 352 120 1,669 NCSU 159 246 395 320 1,542 ECSU 493 213 197 1,436 FSU 450 411 115 251 95 1,323
How much are UNCG Annual fees? ‘06-’07 ‘07-’08 ‘08-’09 ‘09-’10 ‘10-’11 ‘11-’12 % change (’10-’11 to ‘11-’12) Athletics 403 413 444 461 489 541 10.63% Activities 323 349 359 345 368 373 1.36% Health 209 218 226 252 257 1.98% Ed.&Tech. 247 268 276 292 301 330 9.63% Sub-Total 1,182 1,248 1,305 1,324 1,410 1,501 6.45% Facilities 272 490 Ad. Comp. 50 ASG 1 Transportation 47 TOTAL $1,505 $1,571 $1,628 $1,644 $1,730 $2,039 inc./dec. +$ 66 +$ 57 +$16 +$ 86 +$309 $154.50 per semester
How will the 2011-2012 increases be used? All fee categories: Supplies; materials; equipment repair/replacement; etc. All fee categories: No salary increases Athletics fee: Increasing cost of scholarships and operations Health fee: Pharmacy Technician Education and Network Refresh Technology Fee:
UNCG Proposed Tuition and Fees 2011-2012 Regular Term Tuition & Fees Increase Per Student Tuition & Fees Rate 2011-2012 In-State Undergraduate $ 520 $ 5,493 In-State Graduate Student $ 551 $ 6,008 Out-of-State Undergraduate $ 1,284 $ 18,018 Out-of-State $ 1,297 $ 18,234
Final Steps Nov 11 Board of Trustees Committee Meetings Dec 2 Board of Trustees Full Board Meeting Feb 11 Board of Governors Meeting **Legislative session begins in January—could have impact on tuition and fees