By: Kaitlynn Dworaczek and Celina Reyes
We chose to research the topic of the affect that part time jobs have on high school students because it is something that affects each and every one of us in this room. If you have a part time job then you and your sleep habits and school grades will help to prove our point and if you don’t have a job then your school habits will also help to prove our hypothesis.
The questions that we plan to explore are: ◦ What affect do part time jobs have on a students grades? ◦ Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and grades? ◦ Is there a relationship between the number of hours worked and the number of hours of sleep? ◦ Is there a direct correlation between university and college tuition and the number of hours students work?
We believe... ◦ As tuition costs increase so do the number of hours students work. ◦ As hours worked increase, hours of sleep decrease. ◦ As hours of sleep decrease, marks will fall. All in all, we believe that although students have part time jobs for good reasons, overall they have a negative impact on their sleeping habits and academics.
This graph shows the hours of sleep high school students get each night. The blue bars represent everyone in the survey, and the red bars represent those with part time jobs. As you may know it is recommended that you get around 8 hours of sleep a night. This graph shows the reality that students with jobs most often do not get 8 hours of sleep. The graph shows a strong negative correlation.
The main point that this graph illustrates is that as the number of hours worked increases there are more and more students who are receiving lower grades. Here we see that the majority of the students surveyed have averages of 61-70%.
We found this graph on the Internet illustrating why students work. One of the most common reasons was to purchase clothes, and electronics, as well as to have money to socialize. Also among these answers was to a means to pay for tuition fees. We analyzed the relationship between part time jobs and tuition fees a little bit more...
This graph shows the relationship between tuition fees and percentage of teens employed. As the tuition costs rise, so do the percent of teens employed... strong positive correlation. On average, about 42% of teens are employed. Tuition fees are increasing at a rate of about $89 per year.
The purpose of this graph is to show that as the number of hours of sleep increases, the students grade average tends to be higher.
Here you can see that as the hours that a student spends working increases, the number of hours sleeping decreases. Making connections to our previous graphs, you can therefore see that as work hours increase, sleep decreases, and causes grades to fall.
In conclusion we now know that... ◦ There is a strong positive correlation between Rise in university tuition and students in the workforce ◦ There is a strong negative correlation between Hours worked, hours slept, and school grade averages. We have proved our hypothesis to be true, and there is, in fact a direct correlation between part time jobs and school grades.