An Introduction to Postgraduate Funding Friday 31 st October 2014
Student Administration Student Administration are responsible for providing services to all students throughout their time at the University of Edinburgh and for supporting Colleges and Schools and other student services in delivering a high quality student experience. Student Administration comprises the following departments
Postgraduate Funding Tuition fees and living costs Sources of Postgraduate Funding General Funding Tips Useful Websites for Further Information Contact Details
Postgraduate Tuition Fees Home and EU annual fees:Taught DegreesResearch Degrees Standard full-time£8,100 (CHSS) / £9,650 (CSCE) £3,996 (14-15) Postgraduate Taught Masters There are higher fee levels for Business School programmes with Home/EU fees ranging from £11,000 to £28,200, and Overseas fees ranging from £19,700 to £28,200. Postgraduate Research Programmes Most research programmes fall on band 1 or 2 with the exception of PhD Dentistry which is £33,020 in Overseas annual fees:Taught DegreesResearch Degrees Standard full-time£16,500/£21,350/ £35,350 £12,600 - £16,550 Standard part-time£5,800£6,300
Living costs Current estimated living costs £10,000 per session Accommodation costs £5,000- £7,500 (single room in ) Start from £4,000 (sharing room in )
Sources of Funding Research Councils University Scholarships Research Assistantships / Teaching Assistantships Professional and Career Development Loans Trusts, Foundations and Trusts University Discretionary/Hardship Funds Graduate and Alumni Discounts Part-time work
The Research Councils Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Medical Research Council (MRC)
Key points about the Research Councils Fund some taught courses and but primarily research programmes Awards normally require a minimum 2:1 You must be “ordinarily resident” in the UK Applications are usually made through the School of Study Application deadlines vary - the earlier, the better Refer to individual Research Council websites for the most up-to-date information (Research Councils UK)
University Scholarships – Masters study Edinburgh UK/EU Master’s Scholarships Edinburgh Global Master’s Scholarships Edinburgh Global Santander Masters Scholarships Principal’s Indian Master’s Scholarships The Eric Liddell China Saltire Scholarships School Awards Commonwealth Shared Scholarships Canadian and US loans
Other Funding Highly Skilled Workforce Scholarships – for UK nationals who are permanently domiciled in Scotland, and EU nationals (excluding UK nationals) permanently domiciled in the EU or Scotland but not elsewhere in the UK Postgraduate Tuition Fee Loan (PTFL) - for eligible Scotland domiciled students and EU students Carnegie-Cameron Taught Bursaries Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships EU provides grants to promote the exchange of students and academic staff within Europe, such as the SOCRATES and LEONARDO Programmes
University Scholarships – Research Principal’s Career Development PhD Scholarships** Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships China Scholarship Council/ University of Edinburgh Scholarships The Carnegie Trust College and School Awards Canadian and US loans
Loans Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDLs) PCDLs are run by Barclays and Co-operative Bank with the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) You can borrow between £300 - £10,000 They are provided for vocational courses only i.e. the course should lead to employment or enhance job skills Repayment begins one month after you have completed your programme
Trusts, Foundations and Trusts Usually dedicated to a specific purpose – e.g. subject of study Rarely provide full funding (e.g. tuition fees and cost of living) No standard rules on eligibility criteria and application procress Open4learning (available from Scholarships Office site) The Grants Register (published by Palgrave) – available in the University Careers Service The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF)
Charities, Foundations and Trusts General British Federation of Women Graduates; Wolfson Foundation, Sir Halley Stuart Trust Arts and Humanities National Gallery, Royal Historical Society, Royal Institute of Philosophy Business and Social Sciences Leverhulme Trust, Social Workers Educational Trust, UK eInformation Group Science and Medicine Epilepsy Action, Heart Research UK Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Worshipful Company of Engineers, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Graduate and Alumni Discounts Open to UK, EU and Overseas alumni of the University of Edinburgh 10% discount Applies to tuition fees that are self-funded and which are not covered by another scholarship, employer, funding body etc You need to apply as you are not automatically identified for this discount Further information can be found at:
Working and Studying Almost half of all postgraduate students study part time (HESA figures) Many institutions recommend a limit of 10 to 15 hours a week during semester time Some postgraduate students have their fees paid for by their employer
Useful Websites Scholarships and Student Funding Services: PostgraduateStudentships: Graduate Prospects: A guide to postgraduate research and PhD studentships : 10 Key Funding Tips: funding/funding-tips
Further Information For more information on Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh contact: Scholarships and Student Funding Services, The University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL Website: