INTRODUCING YOURSELF GREETING - Hi - Good morning - Hello - Good afternoon - How do you do? - Good evening - How are you? Good night - Nice to meet you
QUESTION WORDS The Rule of making the interrogative sentence: I. 7 question words (6W+1H) Who - siapa, siapa-siapa What - apa, apa-apa Which - yang mana, yang mana-mana Where - dimana, kemana When - kapan Why - mengapa The Rule of making the interrogative sentence: - Pull to be into the front of subject
Subject Pronoun I You We They She He It Possessive Pronoun my your our their her his its To Be am are is Contractions I’m You’re We’re They’re She’s He’s It’s Example: Siapa namamu? - Who is your name? Apa itu? - What is that? Yang mana orangtuanya? - Which is her parents Dari mana asalnya? - Where is he from? Kapan mereka ada dirumah? - When are they in home? Mengapa bahasa inggris sulit? - Why is English difficult? Bagaimana kerjamu hari ini? - How is your work today?