Polish Economy polnische Wirtschaft
The Economy of Poland is the sixth largest in the Europe and one of the fastest growing economies in Central Europe.
It is based on: Food production Farming Services Coal mining Car production and others
Polish culture and traditions polnische Kultur und Tradition
Polish celebrations
Easter Ostern Easter is one of the most important celebrations in Poland, in which Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Easter Sunday morning families have a special breakfast in which they share the egg and wish each other all the best. Typically Polish symbols of Easter are wonderfully decorated eggs and colorful palms.
Polish Easter basket – Saturday before Easter children take this type of basket to church to bless the Easter food
Easter Monday Water-Throwing Day If you are in Poland on Easter Monday watch out - You may get very wet!
Christmas in Poland Weihnachten in Polen Christmas Eve is the biggest celebrations. It starts with Wigilia – a 12-course meal full of traditional Polish food like bigos, beetroot soup, dumplings, poppy-seed cake, cheese cake and many others.
Sharing the wafer Before the Wigilia starts we share the wafer and wish each other all the best. It’s a symbol of forgiving.
11 November -Independence Day Nationalfeiertag A national holiday in which Poles celebrate regaining independence after 123 years of partitions. A special ceremony takes place near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw
Polish music polnische Musik Fryderyk Chopin the greatest composer and pianist Popular Polish types of music: disco –polo, rap, pop, electro, house, rock, metal
Popular Polish musicians
Robert M
Typical Polish food typisch polnisches Essen
Betroot soup (Borsch) with dumplings
Bigos Cooked cabage with meet and some vegetables
Typical soup usually eating on Sunday Rosół Gefluegelsuppe Typical soup usually eating on Sunday
A soup with white sausage and eggs inside Żurek A soup with white sausage and eggs inside
Kotlet schabowy Usually eating with potatoes and salat
How Polish teenagers spent their free time :
They play football
Or handball
They really like spending time together on the fresh air
Old Traditional Polish clothes traditionelle polnische Kleidung