M ARCH 2011
PASSHE Budget Status
SRU Comparative Budgets 1 FY Fund Sources Tuition$58,951 State Appropriation$35,946 ARRA$3,099 Other$2,279 Auxiliaries (OH)$2,770 Total$103,045 FY Fund Sources Tuition (2% Growth) 2 $61,150 State Appropriation$18,608 ARRA$0 Other$1,800 Auxiliaries (OH)$2,770 Total$84,328 FY Expenditures Personnel$85,887 Utilities$3,692 Operating Expenses$8,139 Debt$3,954 Financial Aid$1,373 Total$103,045 FY Expenditures Personnel$88,774 Utilities (5%)$3,877 Operating Expenses$8,139 Debt$4,100 Financial Aid$1,575 Total$106,465 $22,136 2 Without a tuition adjustment,000 1 These numbers are based on Fund 1000, not all E&G
SRU Will Stay With Core Values The budgeting process is driven by basic principles: Students come first. Educating students is always the highest priority. Consultation with faculty, students and administration on matters of the strategic plan and budget decisions are an inherent integral part of the shared governance of the University. Cuts and/or increases are not made “across-the-board.” Doing so violates the purpose of the strategic plan and is a formula for mediocrity. The University cannot be all things to all people. The budget reinforces the strategic priorities of the University to preserve the overall quality of the institution. “When there are not enough biscuits to go around, the table manners tend to decline” Attributed to Joab Thomas, Former Penn State President
Strategic Decisions That Will Continue To Set SRU Apart We Will Sustain Our Investment in Quality Commit to a faculty that is full time and professionally credentialed. Commit to sustaining academic programs. Commit to maintaining our teaching/learning environment, campus safety and security. Commit to recruiting, educating, and graduating high quality engaged students.
Budget Calendar Now through April Participate in advocacy opportunities to secure better funding. April 4-5 PASSHE Advocacy in Harrisburg. Engage University Community in workshops and discussions to give people sufficient information so they can suggest informed ideas. Utilize web site for gathering ideas, alerting community about changes, and staying informed. Late April through May VP's consider proposals coming from within their division as well as those proposed and prepare presentations for Budget Committee and President. June – Update to Council of Trustees.
Why Should SRU Receive Support? Outstanding Quality at a Value Cost Nationally recognized accredited programs producing talented employees. Graduation rate well above national average for public universities (60.6% compared to 55.9%) and a 17% increase in the last four years (6 yr rate). Resident undergraduate tuition at SRU is $5,804 Resident undergraduate tuition at Penn State is $14,412. Resident undergraduate tuition at Pitt is $15,713 Benefit to Taxpayers SRU and its alumni generate approximately $334 million each year to the regional economy – the equivalent of 9,020 additional jobs. Every dollar invested in SRU by Pennsylvania taxpayers returns $18.60 in tangible benefits to the State (higher income taxes, lower crime, better health). The state gains 5.5% on its investment in SRU. SRU saves and enhances jobs in Western Pennsylvania. Since it’s inception in 2004, the SRU’s Regional Learning Alliance has provided more than 1 million people hours of professional development training to regional business. Westinghouse cited the RLA as one of eight reasons why it retained its world headquarters in Pennsylvania rather than moving out-of-state. SRU imports talent to Pennsylvania. At SRU, the percent of students who remain in Pennsylvania (93 percent) is greater than the percent of students who come from Pennsylvania (90 percent) SRU confers more than 1,500 degrees annually. In a typical year, SRU certifies more than 385 teachers, 290 of whom take positions in the Commonwealth.
Participate and Follow The Process
Useful Budget Terms Educational & General Activities (E&G) Support the primary mission of the institution such as instruction, academic and administrative support, and public service. Funded primarily by: Tuition Fees State appropriations Investment income and Other revenues.
Useful Budget Terms Auxiliary enterprise activities- Self-supporting activities that charge a fee to cover the cost of those services. Enterprise activities include residence halls, dining services, recreational centers and student unions. University Auxiliary Enterprises receives no subsidy from E&G fund. Other than an indirect cost allocation, auxiliary enterprise revenues are not permitted to support E&G operations.
Useful Budget Terms Recurring funds/expenditures Funds and expenses that recur each year such as: employee salaries and benefits, utility costs, educational supplies and debt service. Non-Recurring funds/expenditures Funds and expenses that are available in one year but not the next. They are also defined as one-time funds. Non-recurring funds can not be relied upon to pay for expected recurring expenses.