SOAR 2014
BUSINESS OFFICE Tom Kendziora, Assistant Controller Ashley Krinjeck, Bursar Alyssa Sheehan, Accounts Receivable
Business Office ◦ General Contact Information ◦ Student Billing ◦ Methods of Payment ◦ Student Account Information ◦ Miscellaneous
Business Office – (814) or ◦ Scotus Hall, Room 323 ◦ Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Student Account Questions: ◦ Christina Wood (Cashier) (814) ◦ Alyssa Sheehan (Accounts Receivable Specialist) (814)
Fall Billing ◦ Registration: April ◦ First Fall Bill: July 3 rd ◦ Fall Bill Due: August 3 rd Spring Billing ◦ Registration: November ◦ First Spring Bill: December 3 rd ◦ Spring Bill Due: January 3 rd Bills are posted online the 1 st and 3 rd weeks of each month.
Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Deposit: $ CR Orientation Fee: $ Flat Tuition Rate:$ 15, $ 15, Standard Room Rate:$ 2, $ 2, Meal Plan (unlimited):$ 2, $ 2, Technology Fee:$ $ Total Per Semester:$ 20, $20,919.00
Health Insurance ◦ Mandatory for all full-time students ◦ Must enroll or waive insurance. If no action is taken, the student is automatically enrolled and billed on student account. Laptop Buyout – if a student does not return their laptop when they are done at St. Francis a fee will be added to buy the laptop Library Fines – non returned items will have a fine added to the student’s bill Parking Fines – any parking fines will be added to the student’s bill
Saint Francis University Business Office web page: ◦ ◦ Financial Information tab on the left: Tuition & Fee Schedule; Payment Information; Student Insurance; Withdrawal Policy – Tuition Refunds / Office Contact Information Both of these websites are being updated and finalized for the academic year.
S.O.A.R – Saint Francis University
If borrowing the Federal Direct Stafford loans - Complete the Master promissory note and loan entrance counseling after July 1st using the student’s federal pin number at Parent Plus loan – available after July 1 st using the parent’s pin number at Alternative loan options – available after July 1 st at Federal work-study information will be mailed the end of July Netpartner – new for 2014 – students can review their aid information and any financial aid missing documentation on Netpartner will be used for all future aid award letters!
Verification packet – 1 of every 3 students selected. Complete the verification packet and tax information (IRS Tax transcripts only – not copy of tax return!) Complete verification as soon as possible for most accurate aid amounts. Student credit history – keeping a clean credit history is important, especially for graduate program completion. Make payments on time – credit card and cell phone bills. If credit is blemished may not be eligible to borrow future private loans!
Outside scholarship checks can be dropped off or sent to the Financial Aid Office. Tap 521 or pre-paid tuition accounts – work directly with your servicer. May need to send in a copy of the bill. Drop in session today from 11:30 am to 4 pm today in disepio 211 Saint Francis University Office of financial Aid PO Box 600 Loretto, PA Phone (814)