Dual Enrollment Programs For High School Juniors and Seniors
Apply now at Mr. Justin McCalla, UNG Admissions Coordinator Mr. Charles Bell, Dual Enrollment Academic Advisor Introductions
Video One university on four campuses UNG Overview
Most Popular Majors 50+ Bachelor’s Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Med Business Computer Science Criminal Justice English Education History Athletic Training Nursing 50+ Associate Art Biology Business Communication Criminal Justice Education Engineering Exercise Science History Theater Over 100 degree programs Turn your natural abilities into a profitable career
YOUR Explore YOUR Opportunities Study Abroad Learn a language Go to class in another country Prepare yourself for a rewarding global career Gain a world perspective Over 150 Organizations Get involved and build your resume Fraternities and sororities Political, cultural, religious, academic, and social clubs and organizations on all campuses Intramural athletics
The UNG Nighthawks compete in NCAA Division II UNG Athletics Men’sWomen’s Baseball Basketball Golf Tennis Soccer Rifle Softball Basketball Golf Tennis Soccer Rifle Cross Country
Advanced Opportunities Supplemental Instruction Career Services Master’s Programs Undergraduate Research Academic Honor Societies Honors Program Applications accepted Jan. 31- April 9
Dual Enrollment Options High School Juniors or Seniors Accel Go to college part or full time while in high school. Participate in high school or college activities. College courses count toward high school graduation and college credit. Tuition paid by Georgia Student Finance Commission (up to 15 hours). Mandatory fees paid by UNG. You pay books and course-related fees, if required. Move on When Ready Go to college full time – no high school classes. Participate in most college activities. Courses count toward high school graduation and college credit. Tuition & fees paid for by the Georgia Department of Education up to a maximum of 4 courses and 12 credit hours. Joint Enrollment Courses count for college credit only. You pay tuition and fees.
Dual Enrollment Why? You Finish College Earlier Earn college credit while in high school to start college ahead and finish earlier. Start your job search earlier or enter a graduate program earlier. You Save Money Accel and MOWR college courses are paid for which saves you money later. Finishing college earlier means paying for fewer semesters. You Help Satisfy Your HOPE Requirements
Dual Enrollment Numbers Spring 2015 Semester 500+ high school students enrolled 99 in Dahlonega 106 in Oconee 104 in Cumming 201 in Gainesville Average course load: 7.19 hours 28 taking on-line eCore Average UNG GPA is 3.48
Minimums for: Accel ACT 20 English 18 Math 20 composite SAT 480 Reading 440 Math 970 combined Dual Enrollment Admission Requirements GPA 3.25 Move on When Ready 23 English 22 Math 530 Reading 530 Math GPA 3.5 OR
Need to take the SAT or ACT? You can take the Institutional SAT on our Dahlonega Campus You can take the Institutional ACT on our Gainesville Campus Tests are administered every couple of weeks during the academic year Cost is $80 for ISAT and $50 for IACT – not waiverable Scores are good for admission at UNG only – other colleges/universities may not accept ISAT/IACT scores How and when do you get your scores? Scores are mailed to you the day after the test
Dual Enrollment Application Deadlines Fall Semester Preferred May 1st No later than July 1 st Summer Semester April 1 st (No Accel/MOWR funding) Spring Semester November 1st ** Or until capacity has been met
Dual Enrollment Courses at EJCCH Spring Semester English 1102 – English Composition – must have completed English 1101 Math 1113 – Pre-calculus – need a 550 SAT math score ** Or until capacity has been met
Apply now at How Do I Apply? Go to ung.edu/apply Select Dual and Joint Enrollment student type On-line application for admission + $30 fee Official high school transcripts Official SAT or ACT scores Lawful presence verification MOWR: Permission to Participate and checklist
Federal Service Language Academy Summer residential program for rising high school sophomores, Juniors and Seniors Dahlonega campus Three weeks, two sessions: Jun 7-26 and Jul 12-31, 2015 High school credit Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, German, Portuguese NEW: Study abroad in Berlin! Earn 4 UNG credits studying German.
Summer Accel Language Institute Pilot Dahlonega Campus Residential 5.5 Weeks Check-In: June 21 (Sunday) Last Day: July 30 Cost about $1,200 Apply before April 1st Language Institute Courses: Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian 1001, 1002 and Culture 8 academic credits
Oconee Campus: Angie Murrell Gainesville Campus: Charles Bell Cumming Campus: Ginny McEver Dahlonega Campus: Derick Sutton Angie Murrell Charles Bell Ginny McEver Derick Sutton Apply now at Dual Enrollment Advisors
FAQs Q: Where will the college credit I earn transfer? A: Most 4-year colleges and universities. Q: What classes are available? A: Any courses to which UNG students have access. Q: How is the minimum GPA calculated for admission? A: Only RHSC courses are considered, unweighted. Q: How do I schedule classes? A: Work with your guidance counselor and our dual enrollment academic advisor. Q: How many courses can I take? A: MOWR = 4 courses and 12 credit hours (courses are 1 to 4 credits each). Accel = 3 to 15 credit hours. Normally, courses without labs are 3 credits; courses with labs are 4 credits. Q: Do Accel or MOWR courses count toward HOPE credit hours cap? A: No. HOPE covers 127 credit hours not including Accel or MOWR courses. Q: What if I want to become a Nighthawk after I graduate high school? A: Just let our admissions office know, and we’ll re-code you in our system as a new student.
FAQs, Cont’d Q: What’s the difference between AP courses and dual enroll courses? A: Dual enroll courses are actual college courses taught by college instructors that count for college credit. AP courses are high school courses taught by high school instructors for which a student may earn college credit if he/she scores high enough on the College Board AP exam. Q: Can I dual enroll in two different colleges? A: Yes. Apply for admission to both colleges and submit an Accel application for each college. Accel will pay tuition at both colleges. Q: Can I take college courses on line? A: Yes. Most UNG core curriculum is offered through eCore.
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