Study Skills in Groups: a Complement to 1-to-1 Tuition
The pedagogic case for teaching specialist study skills to groups Robert Burwell 2012
Enables tutors to focus on skills to overcome students’ specific learning barriers and develop their metacognitive awareness. Gives tutors an opportunity to teach a range of academic study skills as a subject in its own right. Students can then learn these study skills in an in explicit and structured way which they can apply to their academic work. Robert Burwell 2012
“It was useful learning how to decode assignments, plan, research and then learn to structure essays and how to be critical both when researching and reading”. Rachel Robert Burwell 2012
“The weekly subject packs help me when I’m writing my essays, there like a reference in what to do as often forget the skills I have learnt”. Manjinda Robert Burwell 2012
Students can share learning experiences, learn from each other, in a supportive learning environment. Robert Burwell 2012
“What I enjoyed most about the group sessions is the opportunity to talk to other students with dyslexia and discuss and learn together”. Claire “Group environment helpful and supportive, the constant feedback and having people in the same position gives you confidence”. Adam Robert Burwell 2012
In 1:1 tuition, students can contextualise the skills learnt in the group sessions. Then apply, develop and hone these skills with the support of the tutor. Robert Burwell 2012
Tutors can develop a toolkit of materials which they can select and use with students in their 1:1 tutorials, enhancing their teaching. Robert Burwell 2012
A review of the style and content of my sessions and why I chose them The order of the teaching programme timetable was carefully designed to teach the skills in a structured and sequential order, mirroring the students’ assessment demands throughout the semester. Robert Burwell 2012
The packs help structure the content of the lesson, helping students to build a toolkit of materials which they can use and refer to as an aid memoir. Robert Burwell 2012
My teaching style is quite discursive and encourages student interaction and each session topic has a small task/activity, providing a multisensory teaching approach. Robert Burwell 2012
Each pack contextualises the challenges SpLD students face when tackling a literacy task, by explaining their experience; thus fostering metacognition. Robert Burwell 2012
Session Pack 5: A dyslexic student’s experience: ‘Dyslexic students often struggle decoding essay questions and following assessment guidance in module handbooks. Students can work extremely hard on essays and reports, only to find out that they have misinterpreted the assignment question. In some cases dyslexic students find it very difficult to interpret the key points in questions, often because they don’t have a confident grasp of the language used in assessment questions’. Robert Burwell 2012
The practicalities of setting up your own group. Robert Burwell 2012
Advertising and communication to students Requires ingenuity and variety! Posters are displayed in targeted areas. Timetables are ed to all SpLD students. Timetables are ed to all Disability Tutors. Group sessions are promoted by SpLD Tutors in 1:1 tutorials. The group teaching programme is repeated in Semester 2 to capture new students/existing students who missed sessions. Robert Burwell 2012
Advertising to students Welcome to this year’s studies at Hull University. The Specific Learning Difficulties Tutor Team this Year are: Bob Burwell, Kerry Pace, Julie Dodsworth and Helen Duncan. Please see enclosed the timetable details for the Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Group Study Support Sessions for Semester One, delivered by Bob Burwell. These group sessions are very useful as they give you the chance to learn different study tips and strategies from other students in a supportive environment. The timetable is designed to teach you the study skills you need to successfully meet your assessment demands for Semester One. It is worth noting that attending these workshops are purely on a drop-in basis. If you would like to attend, just come to the information point on the 3 rd Floor of University House. Note, don’t worry if you miss a workshop session topic as I will be repeating the full workshop programme in Semester 2 for newly assessed students. For details or any enquiries please contact Bob Burwell. We look forward to meeting you in October. Robert Burwell 2012
Funding and record keeping for SFE Robert Burwell 2012
D-2Non-Medical Helpers Allowance Supplier: The University of Hull. Disability Services Third Floor, Student’s Union Building The University of Hull Cottingham Road Hull HU6 7RX Tel: Fax: ItemPrice Individual Specialist 1-to-1 tuition for approx. 30 hours per £55.22 per hour. £1, Specialist group support sessions - up to 10 sessions per £20.31 per hour. Each session lasts 1.5 hours. £ TOTAL£1, Robert Burwell 2012
Challenges of Teaching Study Skills in Groups Group numbers fluctuate, but tend to develop into a small but dedicated group. Getting students to start attending can be a challenge: remembering new appointments. Having a set day and time helps. Regular attendance often leads to better group dynamics, as students learn and develop together. Robert Burwell 2012
Challenges cont: Holidays; work-placements and assessment deadlines affect attendance. Targeted s sent to previous but lapsed attenders, promoting the next session, can boost flagging attendance. As attendance is voluntary, tutors need to adopt a positive and enthusiastic teaching approach, and provide materials which are stimulating and practical. Do this and you will reap the rewards! Robert Burwell 2012