Your Culinary Career starts here!
About our College Registered with the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities under the Private Career Colleges Act Diploma Granting College Largest Trainer of Chefs and Cooks in Ontario 11 Campuses throughout Ontario
Explain about Liaison College and our programs Answer any questions you have about Liaison and becoming a Chef Explain our costs and financing options Tour the college Meet with a chef Help you decide if this is the right college and right program for you
Personal class sizes – 2/3 of training is in the kitchen 1/3 culinary Theory NO elective courses: all culinary based
Skills Canada CCFCC Cuisine Canada Foodlink/Slow Food Women in Food Industry Mgt
Acceptance into College Three Criteria Past Academic History Work & Life Experience Attitude Executive Chef decides on acceptance Responsible for your training
Key Academic Indicators 94% Graduation Rate 100% Placement Rate
Key Academic Indicators High Graduation Rate High Graduate Employmen t Rate
Academic Materials Canadian Based Liaison College Chefs Cordon Bleu from Paris Work book CD Rom 100%Instructor led Online Companion site..Wiley Plus Demonstrations Field Trips
Tools of the Trade Mercer Knives Available only to Industry High Carbon German Steel Complete Chefs Uniforms
Chef Bios Michael Magda Chef Instructor Jan Cooper-Webb Personal Chef Dean Michielsen Chef Instructor
Organization of Modern Kitchen Food Borne Illness Equipment Professional Cooking Techniques Culinary Math Stocks and Sauces Meats & Poultry Vegetarian Baking & Patisserie
Chef of the Day Timed Exercises 70% Pass Field Trips
All tuitions are Tax deductable (T2202A) Level I – Knives, Books and Equipment Administration –
Full Payment Option discount if paid in full 30 days prior to start date MC, Visa, Cheque, Outside Financing
RRSP/RESP withdrawal Must be paid back over 15 years Full Payment Discount
0% Interest 6 Months limit Initial deposit Payments over 6 months
O.A.C. 5.9 % Interest Rate Initial deposit 24 payments No penalty for early payment
O.A.C 9.9 % Interest Initial deposit 36 Monthly payments Other payment options available
Hereby certifies that Has successfully completed the requirements constituting the course in Cook Basic – Level 1 And as an acknowledgement of proficiency Is awarded this Diploma In witness whereof we attach our name and Affix the seal of Liaison College. Given this [type number here] day of [Month] [Year]. ___________________________________________________________ Executive ChefDirector