Operational Material
2 Outline Topics to be covered Introduction to Education Survey Frame Item List and Specifications Data Requirements Data Collection Timeline
3 Introduction to Education Country Survey Private Education under HHC collection of private tuition fees Involves data collection by countries Regional PPPs computed by Regional Coordinators then linked to Global PPPs Global Level Public Education under Government collection of compensation of employees working in the public education sector + productivity adjustment Quantity indicators (Number of students) Quality adjustment factors (scores, absenteeism, background, etc.) No data collection by countries Data compiled centrally by the Global Office, with the help of consultants Regional and Global PPPs computed centrally by the Global Office, with the help of consultants
4 Survey Frame Types of Schools Locations Number of Observations Capital city and several other areas (including both urban and rural) At least one per area At least five in the capital city All types of private schools e.g. Low-cost / High-cost schools, etc.
5 Item List and Specifications (1) CodeBasic Heading and Product Name Education Primary Education (Primary) Secondary education (Lower Secondary) Secondary education (Upper Secondary) Tertiary education (Computer Science Degree) Tertiary education (Degree in Humanities or Social Science) Other education programs (Foreign language course or lessons) Other education programs (Private lessons in mathematics - outside school hours)
6 Item List and Specifications (2) Core list code Basic Heading & Product name Number of units & Unit of measurementCharacteristics & characteristics values Education Number of units Unit of measurement Age of student TypeLevel of education Primary Education1Year6Day School Secondary education (Lower Secondary) 1Year11Day School Entry after completion of primary education Secondary education (Upper Secondary) 1Year15Day School General school leaving certificate giving access to University level education Tertiary education (Computer Science Degree) 1Year18-22Full-time Study First degree ( e.g. Bachelor's, License, Diploma, etc.) Tertiary education (Degree in Humanities or Social Science) 1Year18-22Full-time Study First degree ( e.g. Bachelor's, License, Diploma, etc.) Other education programs (Foreign language course or lessons) 1Hour Any (not for small children) Class lesson (10-20 students in a class) Intermediate level at a language school Other education programs (Private lessons in mathematics - tutoring outside school hours) 1Hour15-16Private tutoring (one Student with one tutor) Tutoring (secondary education level)
7 Item List and Specifications (3) Core list codeBasic Heading & Product nameCharacteristics & characteristics values EducationField of study Language in class Student Primary Education Official language A resident (national of the country concerned) Secondary education (Lower Secondary) Official language A resident (national of the country concerned) Secondary education (Upper Secondary) Official language A resident (national of the country concerned) Tertiary education (Computer Science Degree) Computer ScienceOfficial language A resident (national of the country concerned) Tertiary education (Degree in Humanities or Social Science) Humanities or Social Science (Sociology recommended) Official language A resident (national of the country concerned) Other education programs (Foreign language course or lessons) English or French language (for non-native student) Other education programs (Private lessons in mathematics - tutoring outside school hours) MathematicsOfficial language
8 Item List and Specifications (4) Core list code Basic Heading & Product nameCharacteristics & characteristics values EducationFeeExcludingComments Primary EducationAverage annual tuition per student Payments for educational materials and education support services Secondary education (Lower Secondary) Average annual tuition per student Payments for educational materials and education support services Secondary education (Upper Secondary) Average annual tuition per student Payments for educational materials and education support services Tertiary education (Computer Science Degree) Average annual tuition per student Payments for educational materials and education support services Tertiary education (Degree in Humanities or Social Science) Average annual tuition per student Payments for educational materials and education support services Other education programs (Foreign language course or lessons) Average hourly fee per student Payments for educational materials and education support services Other education programs (Private lessons in mathematics - tutoring outside school hours) Average hourly fee per studentPayments for educational materials and education support services Qualified tutor
9 Data Requirements The average prices for annual tuition of private schools All raw data and metadata General education indicators (the number of institutions and the number enrolled students) Worksheets Worksheet 1 Worksheets Data RequirementsWorksheet #
10 Data Collection Information on annual tuition and their metadata will be collected at school level. Information on the general indicators for the number of students and schools in the country will be collected at ministry level. Internet search and telephone interviews with schools and other education institutions need to be conducted if necessary. The validity of the information will be checked with related ministries.
11 Data Collection Form (DCF)
12 Technical Issues in Pricing / / 2012 AB a1b2a2b1 Calendar Year Academic Year Tuition Fees for Each A. Year School Days Allocated to Calendar Year 2011 (shown in dark blue) a=a1+a2b=b1+b2 Estimated Tuitions Fees for Calendar Year 2011
13 Primary and Secondary Education Academic Year 1Academic Year 2 (1) Number of school days* (2) Number of school days fall in the calendar year 2011 (3) Number of school days* (4) Number of school days fall in the calendar year (5) Starting Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (6) Ending Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (7) Starting Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (8) Ending Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 09/01/ /25/ /01/ /25/2012 item #ObservationExample 1 Location (city, village, etc.)Timber City (Capital) 2 School surveyed (name)Oak Junior High 3 Date of Data Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)01/24/2012 Cost of Private SchoolAcademic Year 1Academic Year 2 4 Tuition (course fee only)11,60012,200 5 Number school days of which fall in the calendar year Annual Tuition11,896
14 Tertiary Education Example: Semester- based Tuitions Example: Tuition based on the number of credits/courses taken item #ObservationExample 1 Location (city, village, etc.)Timber City (Capital) 2 School surveyed (name)Ebony University 3 Date of Data Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)01/24/2012 Cost of Private SchoolAcademic Year 1Academic Year 2 4 Tuition (course fee only)10,50011,000 5 Number school days of which fall in the calendar year Annual Tuition21,500 item #ObservationExample 1 Location (city, village, etc.)Ocean district 2 School surveyed (name)Ocean Tech College 3 Date of Data Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)01/24/2012 Cost of Private SchoolAcademic Year 1Academic Year 2 4 Tuition (course fee only)21,000 5 Number school days160 6 of which fall in the calendar year Annual Tuition21,000
15 Other Education Programs For “Other Education Programs” including foreign language lessons (BH ) and Mathematics Tutoring (BH ), Average Hourly Fee is calculated. Observation12 Location (city, village, etc.)Timber CityOcean district School surveyed (name) John's Language School N/A (Home business Date of Data Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)01/28/2012 Cost of Private School Fee (course fee only)60080 Number of Class Hours122 Hourly Fee5040
16 Cost for Education Only item #Observation1 1Location (city, village, etc.)Timber City (Capital) 2School surveyed (name)Oak Junior High 3Date of Data Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)01/24/2012 Cost of Private SchoolAcademic Year 1Academic Year 2 4Tuition (course fee only)19,20021,600 5 Number of days in school200 6 of which fall in the calendar year Annual Tuition12,709 Annual tuition should exclude educational materials and support service. If and only if they are included in the above tuition, please indicate (estimate) the amount below. Only when the tuition above includes educational materials and support service, estimate below. 8Educational materials (books, stationary, etc.) Education support services 11Catering services (meal fee) Accommodation services (boarding fee)6,0006,100 13Transport services Health care services Other cost (e.g. association fee)40 16Total for materials and services6,8006,905 Both average annual tuition and average hourly fee should NOT include payments for (1) educational materials, such as books and stationery, and (2) education support services, such as health care services, transport services, catering services and accommodation services.
17 Timeline J J F F M M A A M M J J J J A A S S O O N N D D J J F F M M A A M M J J J J A A S S O O N N D D 1Q Price survey and data validation at National Level 2Q Data validation at Regional Level * Data should be for the reference year of 2011