Dual Enrollment Welcome to College at UW-Marshfield/Wood County
How does this work? High School & College Credit Tuition & Fees Placement Testing Textbooks Transcripts Academic Rigor Other
College Credit Earn your High School Graduation Requirements and College Credits ½ Price Tuition for the College Credits High School and College Support Ability to Start Ahead & Save Money
Tuition ½ Tuition Cost for the Dual Enrollment Course – ½ Price is $98.97 per credit (based off of tuition rate) – 3 Credit Course is $ (based off of tuition rate) The campus will bill the student individually Students’ are responsible to pay on time and will receive $100 late fee for past due accounts. A hold will be placed on your account. Past due bills are sent to DOA (Department of Administration) for collection.
Application Process Complete the online application – Select “High School Special” – Select “Traditional Program” Send in High School Transcripts & ACT Scores Take the Placement Test Be sure to complete FERPA Release and MOU with the Parent Letter
Placement Test COST: $30 (Payment TBD) PLEASE HAVE: #2 Pencils LOGISTICS: 2 hour Exam 45 questions correct to place into English 102 THREE SECTIONS: Reading Comprehension: Series of long paragraphs to interpret English Usage: 3-4 sentences with a focused word choice (who/whom) Sentence Correction: verb usage, punctuation, etc.
Registering for the Course You have to be: Successfully Admitted to UW-Marshfield/Wood County Meet the Placement Test Scores We will register you for the course and you will receive a letter in the mail. Complete FERPA and Parent Letter Information.
REGISTRATION TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS Memorandum of Understanding for Students under Age 18 By signing this form, I agree that I have requested a UW-Marshfield/Wood County representative to enroll me in the Dual Enrollment Courses. I understand and agree that I have read the Terms and Conditions for Course Enrollment, Registration and Withdraws as listed above, and that if I have further questions or concerns about the tuition bill I will incur due to my enrollment request, I will immediately speak with the Business Services Office. Student and Parent Signature Social Security Numbers Return to UW-Marshfield/Wood County
Tentative Refund & Drop Dates Dual Enrollment will begin on September 2, 2014 Last day to Drop without a “W”: September 16, 2013 Last day to Drop with a “W”: November 11, 2013 If you drop by September 15, 2014 you will be refunded 100% of your tuition (withdrawal fee) If you drop between September 16-28, 2014 you will be refunded 50% of your tuition (withdrawal fee) After September 28 you will receive no refund Please call Student Affairs if you plan to drop the course after enrolling. You cannot drop after November 11 th
Textbooks Instructor Decision at the High School The high school has purchased the textbook but you may purchase your own. (Talk with your instructor if wanting to buy your own book).
Transcripts Order Transcripts Online You do not need to order transcripts if you are attending UW-M/WC as a New Freshman. This is the start of your College GPA!
University of Wisconsin Transfer Institution UW-Marshfield/Wood County English 101 Number of Credits Transferred UW-Marshfield/Wood County English 102 Number of Credits Transferred UW-Eau ClaireGEN ED.3WRIT 1163 UW-Green BayENG COMP 1003ENG COMP 1053 UW-La Crosse ENG EL 3ENG 1103 UW- MadisonENG EL3 3 UW- MilwaukeeENG 1013ENG 1023 UW- OshkoshENG 1013ENG 2023 UW- ParksideENG 1003ENG 1013 UW- PlattevilleENG 11303ENG UW- River FallsENG 1003ENG 2003 UW- Stevens PointENGL 1013ENGL 2023 UW- StoutENGL 1013ENGL 1023 UW- SuperiorWRIT 1013WRIT 1023 UW- WhitewaterENGL 1013ENGL 1023
Academic Rigor This is a college course and is taught to meet appropriate academic standards. All students will be made aware of grading policy and requirements for successful course completion. It is YOUR Responsibility to know your grade! This will be a permanent grade on your college transcript!
Keep in Mind This is College Level Coursework! Generally, college students study 2-3 hours for every hour they have of class. Make-up Tests and Extra Credit are seldom an option Students are required to monitor their own progress and communicate their needs to the instructor. Responsible for tuition payments, time management, and your grade.
Questions? We look forward to having you as a UW-Marshfield/Wood County Student!