Countdown to Kindergarten A Parent’s Guide to Enrolling Your Child In School
Welcome to the Adams 12 Five Star School District The information provided in this power point was compiled by parents for parents in the hopes that it will help answer many of the questions you have and that it helps you and your child start the year feeling prepared and excited to being the school journey.
All I really need to know… I learned in kindergarten It’s true! Kindergarten provides all students the foundational experience that will support them throughout their academic career.
Enrollment Information: Age Your student needs to be 5, on or before October 1 st of the school year he or she will be starting. What if I think my child qualified for early entrance to kindergarten? Please go to
Enrollment Information: What will you need to enroll? Parent or Guardian Photo I.D. Birth Certificate Child’s Immunization records Two proofs of residency documents which can be: a utility bill, signed rental agreement, signed sales contract, warranty deed or deed of trust You must live in the boundary area of the school OR you must have been approved through the Choice process to enroll.
Important Vocabulary The following terms will be used throughout the Admissions and Enrollment Process Neighborhood School /Boundary School: This is the school in your neighborhood where your children will attend based on your address. Magnet School: This is a school in our district that offers specialized programming. i.e. Arts, Advanced Academics, STEM Charter School: A school that resides in our district but is not affiliated with our school district other than for funding purposes. They operate independently. School of Choice: A neighborhood school that falls outside of your home boundary.
Admissions Information : Choosing a School School Choice is a law in Colorado Your student may go to their boundary school OR you may apply to go to either a magnet school (a school that has a special focus) or another neighborhood school that is outside of your boundary area. Our district also has charter schools, however, their enrollment processes operate independently from the district. How do you know how to choose?
Admissions Information : What admissions process do I use for each type of school? All students have a right to attend their boundary school by submitting an enrollment packet directly with the school Students who wish to attend a full-day program at a magnet school (a school that has a special focus) or half-day program at another neighborhood school that is outside of their boundary area must apply through the Choice Program. Students who wish to attend a full-day program at another neighborhood school must apply directly with the school. Students who wish to attend charter schools must apply directly with the school.
Admissions Information : Choice Program: Important Dates Choice Round 1 (Priority Consideration Round) 12/1/14 – 1/30/15 (not first-come, first-served) Extended Day Kindergarten Priority Application Window and ½ Day Student Enrollment (Kindergarten Round-Up) 1/26/15 – 2/06/15
Choosing a School The school district has clear directions around Admissions and School Choice on our website: This website has many resources that can help you identify your boundary school, help you learn more about your Choice Options, and inform you about openings for tuition-based Extended Day Kindergarten Programs.
There are a few things to think about when selecting a school…… Which School? Neighborhood /Boundary School Magnet School Choice School Charter School Type of Programming Half Day Extended Day Kindergarten Tuition Based *Note: this is the only option at our magnet schools. Title 1 Schools offer free full day programming only.
Choosing the just right programming for your student. Half Day: Half day kindergarten is offered in all of our neighborhood schools who do not qualify for Title 1 funds. There are typically two session: 7:40-10:40 a.m. or 11:30-2:30 p.m. EDKP (Extended Day Kindergarten Program): Many schools in our district offer tuition-based full day programming for kindergarten students. The school day runs from 7:40-2:30. Because kindergarten in Colorado is not required, we receive state funding for half the day only. The monthly tuition of $ per month allows us pay the teacher to stay a full day with 1 class. Please check on our Admissions Website to see if your neighborhood school offers EDKP. If not, you may still be able to attend an EDKP program at another school should there be space available.
Title 1 Funded Full Day Kindergarten Our school district receives additional funding for schools that qualify, to support free full day kindergarten. These schools typically qualify for funding because 80% or more of their students receive free or reduced lunch benefits. If your neighborhood school receives Title 1 funding, your student will be able to attend full day with no tuition. Please check our Admissions webpage to see if your neighborhood school qualifies for these funds and provides the free full day kindergarten option.
Readiness Skills There is no set rule about what kids should know and be able to do before starting kindergarten. Children mature at vastly different rates, and their skills change very quickly. To help assess readiness consider your children’s ability in the following areas….
Is your student ready? Listen, understand and follow two-step directions Manage bathroom needs Dress, zip, and button clothing Cut with scissors Listen to stories without interrupting Hold a book upright and turn pages in order Put together a puzzle You can also check out micStandards.html
What Options do I have for Childcare? BASE- Before and After School Enrichment Program: BASE is an on-site childcare program offered at district schools. Each BASE program is independently operated. In general you can expect a registration fee to enroll your child and then rates vary by school. Other childcare options: Some area preschools will pick up children or drop children off for half- day kindergarten. Check area preschools for this option or ask at your boundary school what programs offer transportation.
What if my child has special learning needs? English Language Learners ELL Gifted and Talented GT nd_talented Special Education SPED
School Calendar and Policy Information Where can I find out about a school’s vacations, holidays and scheduled days off? The calendar for the district is posted on the district’s website Tip: Check your school’s website for a link to its calendar which will show dates for school- specific events like parent teacher conferences, concerts, and family nights.
School Policies Where can you find information on the school’s policies? Each school has a student/parent handbook that you should receive at the beginning of the school year. The handbook outlines policies related to discipline, attendance, behavior, and many other issues. You can also visit for more district information.
Resources For more information about our Admissions Process and Timeline please visit or you can Call for more information.
Thank You We look forward to beginning our partnership with you. Please feel free to wander through the room and talk with our many talented support team members who are here to answer your questions.