Welcome to
6:30-6:45Mrs. Sward Welcome & Introductions Campus Visits Applying to college SAT/ACT FAFSA Scholarships 6:45-7:15College Admissions Panel Mr. Brent Magruder, Vincennes University Mr. Dave McFarland, Oakland City University Mr. Jonathan Myers, Ivy Tech Evansville 7:15-7:30Q & A
99% of the fastest-growing careers require post-secondary training or education U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics College costs $
IU$18,888Tuition/Fees, & Room/Board Purdue$20,278Tuition/Fees, & Room/Board Ball State$16,868Tuition/Fees, & Room/Board USI$15,000Estimated cost for VU$12,936Tuition/Fees, & Room/Board Ivy Tech$3,334Tuition only (30 hours) UE$40, 566Typical annual cost for
Average Hoosier graduates from a 4-year college owing $27,000 (8 th highest debt load in country) Indiana ranks 42 nd in per capita income Indiana has 3 rd highest student loan default rate in the country
Now more than ever, students must make sound decisions in choice of college, program of study, and how to finance their education Research colleges, majors, and careers (Campus visits, college websites, rep B-R, internship senior year, Twin Rivers programs, VU programs while in high school, job shadowing, talk with family and friends about college & careers, summer jobs)
Different types of visits Large open houses/visit days Individual visit How to set up a campus visit Student/Parents responsibility to set up campus visit Must have 2 forms from guidance office to be excused absence! What to see on a campus visit
What to see on a campus visit: Admissions Office Program of study (Business school, Health Sciences Dept., etc.) Financial Aid Office Attend a class, if possible Tour campus Eat on campus Visit a dorm Talk to current students Anything of special interest to you (Band, Athletics, Chorus, etc.)
Online is preferred E-transcripts BEWARE OF DEADLINES Complete application typically includes: Application for Admission HS Transcript SAT/ACT Scores Application Fee
Required by most 4 year schools Will want to check with 2 year, community college, or trade school (may not require) Must register (registration deadlines are posted in guidance office, senior newsletter, and on guidance webpage) Colleges recommend taking SAT or ACT the spring of your junior year
Free Application for Federal Student Aid Available Jan. 1, 2013 Receipt deadline March 10, 2013
FAFSA considers student for State and Federal Aid including: Grants Scholarships Work Study Program Loans *Colleges now required by law to have college cost estimator available on their website
Types: Merit-based Need-based Student-specific Career-specific College-specific *Some colleges have a separate scholarship application; Some colleges consider you for scholarships based on the information provided on your admission application.
Where do I look for scholarships? College website Senior newsletter Guidance webpage Church, local organizations, parents’ employers Search internet Never pay $ for scholarship DEADLINES! IU – NOV. 1 ST PURDUE – NOV. 15 TH VU – JAN. 15 TH
Read Directions Keep a calendar Check regularly Go on campus visits Apply for scholarships – don’t sell yourself short! Register with e-transcripts Read senior newsletters each month Apply early File your FAFSA! Enjoy this time as a family