August 2012, Towson University
Graduate Assistantship Office Coordinator: Jennifer Scott Graduate Assistantship Office Administrative Assistant: Cassandra Chambers
General Information Assistantship Application (online) Assistantship Openings Page Financial Aid Implications Graduate Assistantship Handbook External Assistantship Opportunities
Graduate Assistantship Application Graduate Assistantship Openings Page Contact your Program Director Independent Networking
Enter information in all required fields Paste resume in space provided Enter validation code Click “submit” Note: You must be admitted into a graduate program at TU Submission of an application does not guarantee that an assistantship will be granted
See list of current assistantship openings Click on desired link to view job description Follow specific instructions to apply Note: The position does not have to be related to your field of study The openings listed are not necessarily the only positions available
Select link of interest to view full description
Qualifications/Instructions to apply:
Inquire about available positions relative to your field of study via your program director: Graduate-Assistantships Research-Assistantships Teaching-Assistantships Doctoral Research/Teaching-Assistantships Ex. If you are enrolled in the Human Resources Development Program (HRD-M.S.) Contact: Dr. Alan Clardy, Program Director, HRD (M.S.)
Nearly all academic & non-academic departments on campus have at least one graduate assistant position in the works each semester Navigate the TU net to identify departments of interest Contact one or all departments to inquire about assistantship opportunities Be sure to have your resume up-to-date and readily available
Supervisors/Departments select assistantship candidates via the following methods: GA Application Database Response to GA Openings Internal Selections
Supervisors will choose one or more candidates for a formal interview process before making a decision. Supervisors will make a selection & offer the student(s) a position Student accepts the position Supervisor submits a request form for assistantship position to the Graduate Assistantship Office
Once the position request is approved, the Graduate Assistantship Office will… Mail assistantship award letter to the student’s address Contact the student to complete new employee paperwork via I-9 form at the Office of Human Resources Payroll Packet: W-4 form, direct-deposit form, demographic form Note: Students may not begin working until I-9 is completed Students will not be paid until payroll packet is completed Be sure that your current mailing address & address is accurate in the TU PeopleSoft system)
Stipend Award will be issued to student in bi-weekly increments Stipend Amount is dependant upon position type/hours/semester Ex. 10-hour, graduate-assistant, Fall Only 2012 Total stipend: $1,250 Check payments: $125 Number of pays: 10 Work schedule: 8/15/12 – 12/16/12 Complete information pertaining to assistantship stipend awards is provided in the Graduate Assistantship Handbook:
Total Tuition Waiver (per semester) 10-hour assistantship, Fall: 6 credits 10-hour assistantship, Spring: 6 credits 10-hour assistantship, Summer: 3 credits 20-hour assistantship, Fall: 12 credits 20-hour assistantship, Spring: 12 credits 20-hour assistantship, Summer: 6 credits Note: Tuition fees are not covered by assistantship
Student enrolls in graduate courses Student receives tuition e-bill from bursar’s office via (typically sent to account or preferred account noted in PeopleSoft Student logs into Towson Online Services account Student selects “view e-bill” Student selects “account inquiry” Student selects “account summary” Total all fees, and costs not covered by waiver Submit payment by tuition due date listed Note: Failure to satisfy your portion of the bill by the due date will result in a $75.00 late fee & possible cancellation of courses
Who Should I Contact? Hiring Issues: Supervisor/Department Payment Issues: Payroll Department/GAO Tuition Issues: Bursar’s Office/GAO Loans: Financial Aid SS#/I-20 Renewal (International Students): International Student & Scholar Office (ISSO)
Clarify roles/responsibilities with supervisor Practice open communication Set learning objectives & goals Ask for and provide feedback Ask Questions for clarification Strive for a healthy balance: work, school, family Take Initiative Speak up if you have a conflict
Defining Actions for Resolution 1. Informal Consultation, supervisor or department 2.Formal Consultation, Dept. Chairperson 3. Formal Complaint, College Dean 4. Formal Appeal, Dean of Graduate Studies Improving Communication Channels Clarifying work expectations Clarifying work habits Obtaining supervision & Feedback Assessing pitfalls that occur
Contact Jennifer Scott at the Graduate Assistantship Office