New Committee of University Teachers Active in Renewable Energies New Committee of University Teachers Active in Renewable Energies K. Vajen, F. Sick*, V. Wesselack + * FHTW Berlin + FH Nordhausen K. Vajen, EuroSun,
International Solar Energy Society national sections UK-ISESIrish Solar Energy Society... Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie (DGS) councils Solar Heating PV... UniversitiesTeacher Univ. A Teacher Univ. B... members
DGS-Council Universities Meetings: Kassel, Oldenburg, Biberach, Feb. 07 list: 50 registrations
exchange of modules and lecture notes support international exchange programmes... general exchange of views Situation in Germany several university courses in renewable energies different levels and adjustments not even specialized teachers have a view Aims of the new council
so far carried out (by different organisations) internet investigations letters to universities self-assessment of universities unclear mix of different courses Examples: … Databases of renewable energy courses
Examples of data bases source: mainly USA, UK, Australia confusing, not user-friendly
source: Examples of data bases undergraduate courses RE general only few criteria very short description of courses and internetinstitutiontarget groupqualificationtype of educationcourse title
source: Examples of data bases simple link list qualificationcourse titlename of university
source: Examples of data bases search item refine search/ new search search results course providerstate main focustype of course postal code search not up-to-date difficult to get a general view
source: Examples of data bases no selection criteria implemented list arranged alphabetically by city undergraduate/ postgraduate courses universitydepartmentcourse description
usually high effort for investigations permanently high effort for updating mainly simple lists, limited expressiveness not user-friendly not useful, neither for students nor for teachers Problems of existing data bases
automatically operated data base self-assessment of university teachers dissemination via and snowball system teachers guarantee with their reputation for the correctness yearly update per low effort for updating (for the time being) no continuing education, limited to BSc, MSc start (maybe) in DE, extension on EU, later globally use free of charge for student, teachers and universities ISES could program and host the data base, initial financial means already applied for at the EU Proposal for a new data base
teachers data base with information download questionnaire password upload questionnaire yearly reminder for update or confirmation information, forum for comments students, teachers, companies, etc. Work flow
1)general information (country, institution, etc.) 2)boundary conditions final grade language duration application tuition fees credit system etc. Questionnaire
3)content of the courses min/ max no. of credits in PV solar thermal wind biomass geothermal passive solar energy efficiency energy policy and economy other related items max. no. of credits in renewable energies in total 4)contact, etc. Questionnaire
Presentation to user FH Nordhausen - Renewable Engineering (BEng)
Presentation to user FHTW Berlin - Regenerative Energy Systems (BSc)
Presentation to user FH Biberach - Building Services Engineering (BEng)
Presentation to user Uni Kassel - Mechanical Engineering (BSc)
BSc programmes FH Nordhausen - Renewable Engineering FHTW Berlin - Regenerative Energy Systems FH Biberach - Building Services Engineering Uni Kassel - Mechanical Engineering
Presentation to user FH Biberach - Building Services Engineering (MSc)
Presentation to user Uni Kassel - Mechanical Engineering (MSc)
Presentation to user Uni Kassel - Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (MSc)
Presentation to user FHTW Berlin - Regenerative Energy Systems (MSc)
MSc programmes Uni Kassel - Mechanical Engineering FH Biberach - Building Services Engineering FHTW Berlin - Regenerative Energy Systems Uni Kassel - Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
is the approach promising on an international level? what could be improved? how to include non-technical courses? include commercial continuing education? how? To be discussed do we need an European Council of Renewable Energy Teachers on university level? support European exchange of students and teachers lobbying on EU-level carry out student courses at European conferences...
Prerequisite: similar content of the lessons in a semester Example: Kassel University, MSc “Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency”, 2 semester lessons + 1 semester thesis looking for additional partner universities! Student exchange in RE courses student exchange student exchange Y Univ.X Univ. Kassel Univ. summer term solar + buildings winter term wind + biomass
new approach for a data base on renewable energy courses appropriate? European Council of Renewable Energy Teachers sensible? student exchange, e.g. on MSc level possible? Summary