Financing Education Beyond High School
To the annual Financial Aid Information Night at AHS
What is Financial Aid Scholarships Grants Employment opportunities Loans
Goals: Sometimes synonymous with Dreams
Goals of Financial Aid To assist students in paying for their educational investment To evaluate the family’s financial ability to pay for educational costs To distribute limited resources in an equitable manner To attempt to provide a balance of gift aid and self-help aid
Cost of Attendance Tuition and fees Room and board Books and supplies, equipment, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses Loan fees Study abroad costs Dependent care expenses Expenses associated with a disability Expenses for cooperative education program
Definition of Need Cost of Attendance (COA) -Expected Family Contribution (EFC) ______________________________ = Financial Need
Principles of Need Analysis To the extent they are able, parents have primary responsibility to pay for their dependent children’s education Students also have a responsibility to contribute to their education costs Families should be evaluated in their present financial condition A family’s ability to pay for educational costs must be evaluated in an equitable and consistent manner, recognizing that special circumstances can and do affect its ability to pay.
Federal Methodology Federal Methodology is The formula created by congress to determine the Federal Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Independent Student Definition At least 24 years of age by December 31 st of the award year Graduate or professional student; Married; Has legal dependents other than a spouse; Orphan or ward of the court Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces; or Determined to be independent by the financial aid administrator
Expected Family Contribution for Dependent Student 1.) Determine available parent income: -Total income (taxable and untaxed); -Taxes paid (federal, state, local, Social Security) -Income protection allowance for basic living expenses (food, shelter, etc) -Employment allowance (if eligible) _____________________________ =Available income (may be negative)
EFC for Dependent Student (continued) 2.) Determine available parental assets: Cash, savings, checking accounts +Farm/business net worth (value minus debt) + Real estate/investment equity (excluding home) -Education savings/asset protection allowance (amount determined by age of older parent) x Asset conversion rate (12%) _______________________________________ = Contribution from assets
Gift Aid Grants Federal (Pell, FSEOG) Federal/State, LEAPP State Institutional Private Scholarships Federal, Byrd State Institutional Private