MIG-KOMM-EU QUALITY ASSURANCE PROSPER-ASE Language Centre Lect. Drd. Panait Adina Bucharest, September 2011
PROSPER-ASE Background Goal Staff Resources Beneficiaries -Quality assurance -ROMANIAN as a foreign language -MIG-KOMM-EU
Goal Meet ever-growing demand High quality services Language training Testing European Projects
Staff Resources modern facilities blended learning Highly experienced lecturers Professional standards
Beneficiaries 1.Romanian and multinational companies 2.Embassies 3. Institutions belonging to the financial and banking system : 4. Government Dpt. 5.Institutions involved in international projects 6.Individuals from various fields
QUALITY ASSURANCE QUEST – The Romanian Association for Quality Language Services EAQUALS – The European Association for Quality Language Services
PROSPER-ASE Quality Assurance Romanian as a foreign language Providing quality language classes through: Focus on assessment acc. CEFR: Placement tests, progress tests, End-of-course tests Addressing tailored needs analysis/ Skills by using the ELP Classroom Observation Carefully selecting staff Beneficiaries Diplomatic staff, emphasis on accuracy, organisation, coherence. Skills: Reading & Listening comprehension + Speaking Top management in multinationals. Drawbacks
PROSPER-ASE Quality Assurance Romanian as a foreign language Beneficiaries profile / Client expectations One-to-one tuition. Why? 1.5 hr classes. Why? Up to what levels? How much homework? What is the learning style? What skills?
Speaking Interactive Communication This refers to the candidate´s ability to use language to achieve meaningful communication through initiating, responding and keeping interaction going.
Why? MIG-KOMM-EU Trainer’s & Course Participant’s Perspective Common Ground: Blended learning - alternative to traditional classroom experience Quality materials General business language & specialized business vocabulary Providing support in preparation for Certification CPs Perspective Cost-effective way of language learning Independence Up-to-date information Intercultural communication - awareness raising towards the Romanian business context
MIG-KOMM-EU Strength Context Purpose Coherence: the quality of meaning, unity and purpose perceived in the materials testify for a structurally unified progression of ideas and tasks +
These are the reasons why we should continue promoting the outcomes of the European Project Thank you!