“Healthy Kids Programs: The California Model” Presenter Perfecto P. Munoz, M.A., M.P.H. California Program on Access To Care UC Berkeley, School of Public Health
History of Children’s Health Initiative Health Plan of San Joaquin first implemented Healthy Kids Program Santa Clara Family Health Plan successfully implemented Healthy Kids Program, under the Leadership of Leona Butler and the SCFHP Advisory Board
History of Children’s Health Initiative CHIs have a two-pronged approach: the creation of a new insurance product for children ineligible for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families called “Healthy Kids” Coordinated outreach and enrollment initiative using county agency outreach workers, community-based organizations, and schools to increase enrollment in Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, and Healthy Kids. Healthy Kids provides coverage to children whose families earn up to 300 percent of the FPL and who are ineligible for existing public health programs for other reasons, such as immigration status (New America Foundation, 2005).
Children’s Health Initiative Healthy Kids Program s Enrollment/Waiting List
Children’s Health Initiative Healthy Kids Programs Counties in California The following map shows the current status and development stages of CHIs in each of the state’s 58 counties as of 4/07. (Source: Institute for Health Policy Solutions, ca.org/localcovsol/cov_initiatives.html#map)
Children’s Health Initiative Healthy Kids Programs MAP
Acknowledgements Steven Lopez, MPP New America Foundation The Urban Institute Institute for Health Policy Solutions