Periodic Report - Finance Grazyna Guz & Erik Fuglsang Finance Officers
How projects are split
Preparation Costs Come on the top of the project budget with the same grant rate as the principal project Incurred not earlier than 6 months before submission the application You can show the direct connection to the project development Ceiling for ERDF grant: EURO or 2% of budget
Budget lines in general Real costs principle as a basis - only the actually incurred and paid costs can be included in the claims; related product or service delivered Relevant project costs - only additional costs and costs for activities described for in the application Only the costs before VAT can be entered
1. External experts Balance between the costs of external subcontractors and the added value – profit for the region and not the consultants Tender rules must be respected Only the costs before VAT can be entered here External experts as a project manager – conflict Formal partners can not be the consultants
2,3. Staff (50 % rule) Time sheets and pay slips is the accounting evidence Temporary Staff >< Permanent Staff Staff hours spent on general day to day management within an authority are NOT eligible; i.e. only time spent on the specific project (additional activities) is eligible
4. Travel and accomodation Cost efficiency (No extravagant luxury !!) Within the eligible area Own car used in connection with a project activities Official standard rate per kilometre according to national rules Document (name, purpose of meeting, distance) Signed by an authorised person Kept on the accounting files
5. Meetings and conferences Real cost principle must be respected Only the cost before the VAT can be entered Justified within the activities described in the application form Cost efficiency (No champagne !!) Accounting evidence is the specified invoice
6. General costs No fixed percentage – real costs basis Supporting evidence of costs (invoice or equivalent) Calculation of proportional participation
7. Promotion and publication Indication of the European Union participation Downloading the appropriate emblems: sources/graph/embleme_en.htm Evidence to be provided: invoices paid for
8. Material investment All material investments to be reported here Further specification in the section 3.1
9. Audit Evidence to be provided: as a rule invoices paid for Distinction between the external and internal audit costs
10. Other Expenditure not matching any other budget line Project generating income – any income must be reported here Project income can not be omitted and has to be deducted from the project eligible expenditure
11. VAT VAT is ineligible unless you can prove that it is irrecoverable National rules apply for the VAT rate calculation Evidence: VAT invoices actually paid and justification that it can not be reimbursed
13. Ineligible Ineligible expenditure must be reported List of ineligible expenditure is never exhaustive No formal requirements for evidence as no ERDF money claimed here
Budget change Total budget can not be changed Any changes expected – inform the Secretariat (before the costs incur) Shift from and to ”material investment” normally not accepted Shift between the yearly spending targets...