Volunteer Monitoring Grant Application Package MiCorps First Annual Conference Ralph A. MacMullan Conference Center October 29, 2005
2 Outline General Grant Information Eligibility Ineligible Entities and Activities Grant Evaluation Criteria How To Apply Tips, Suggestions, Etc. Questions?
October 29, General Information Grant funds are for Volunteer Stream Monitoring projects Funds are intended to initiate or improve local volunteer stream monitoring projects and not to serve as ongoing funding source for monitoring programs Funds are intended to initiate or improve local volunteer stream monitoring projects and not to serve as ongoing funding source for monitoring programs Primary focus should be benthic invertebrate and stream habitat monitoring in wadeable streams and rivers Primary focus should be benthic invertebrate and stream habitat monitoring in wadeable streams and rivers May collect samples for chemical analysis, but this must be in conjunction with benthic invertebrate and habitat monitoring May collect samples for chemical analysis, but this must be in conjunction with benthic invertebrate and habitat monitoring Approx. $60,000 available There is no maximum dollar amount per grant 25% local match required Maximum duration of projects is 2 years GAP will be available soon at Deadline will be one month after GAP is posted online.
October 29, General Information Grantees sign project contract with the Great Lakes Commission. Grantees will have access to MiCorps resources and expertise MiCorps staff will provide training for all grantees at an 8-hour training session in Spring, 2006
October 29, Eligibility Local units of government and nonprofit entities are eligible for funding. Must have undergone a successful financial audit or other acceptable review within the 24- month period immediately preceding the application. Must submit a QAPP no later than 60 days after grant is awarded, and 60 days prior to the date of initial sampling.
October 29, Eligibility Must be committed to continuing the monitoring project after the grant expires. Must not have had a grant revoked or terminated or demonstrated an inability to manage a grant or meet the obligations in a project contract within the 24-month period immediately preceding the application. Must submit a complete application by the deadline.
October 29, Ineligible Entities and Activities Individuals, for-profit organizations, and federal and state agencies are not eligible to receive funding. Volunteer activities such as river cleanups, lake monitoring, restoration efforts, and strictly education or school activities will not be funded. School or classroom-based programs using students as the primary volunteer source are not eligible for grant funding.
October 29, Grant Evaluation Criteria Clarity and reasonableness of project description, goals and objectives (20%) Clarity and reasonableness of project description, goals and objectives (20%) Watershed coverage/sampling design (10%) Watershed coverage/sampling design (10%) Quality/past performance of the organization (10%) Quality/past performance of the organization (10%) Anticipated volunteer quantity and quality of recruitment and methods to retain volunteers (10%) Anticipated volunteer quantity and quality of recruitment and methods to retain volunteers (10%) Location/watershed priority and links to other programs and projects (10%) Location/watershed priority and links to other programs and projects (10%) Expectation of project continuation beyond the grant period (5%) Expectation of project continuation beyond the grant period (5%)
October 29, Grant Evaluation Criteria Quality of evaluation plan (5%) Quality of evaluation plan (5%) Cost reasonable for project scope, including 25% minimum matching funds (10%) Cost reasonable for project scope, including 25% minimum matching funds (10%) Likely to generate useful data for DEQ (20%) Likely to generate useful data for DEQ (20%) Use of MiCorps (or equivalent) procedures and requirements (training, QA) - must meet this requirement to be eligible for funding Use of MiCorps (or equivalent) procedures and requirements (training, QA) - must meet this requirement to be eligible for funding attend an 8-hour training session;attend an 8-hour training session; develop a QAPP that meets MiCorps standards;develop a QAPP that meets MiCorps standards; arrange and complete a “side-by-side” session with MiCorps staff.arrange and complete a “side-by-side” session with MiCorps staff.
October 29, October 29, 2005 How to Apply Online application process. The following items must be submitted online at Web Application Form (page 7)Web Application Form (page 7) Project Description (pages 8-9)Project Description (pages 8-9) Work Plan (page 10)Work Plan (page 10) Timetable (page 10)Timetable (page 10) Budget Information Form (page 10-12)Budget Information Form (page 10-12) Resume or curriculum vitae for project manager or scientific consultant or advisor.Resume or curriculum vitae for project manager or scientific consultant or advisor.
October 29, October 29, 2005
12October 29, 2005
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14October 29, 2005 Web Application Form Instructions are on Page 7. Complete this web form when you are ready to apply. Any questions?
October 29, October 29, 2005 Project Description Instructions are on pages 8-9 Applicants must answer these questions, using the Project Description template provided by MiCorps Page limit = 8 pages Any questions?
October 29, October 29, 2005 Sample Goals To increase individual and community awareness of the value and needs of the local streams and their watershed systems. To provide the organization, training, equipment, data analysis, and quality control for a scientifically sound community effort to identify recent trends in what we now have by assessing the physical and biological characteristics of the river/tributaries. To inspire and facilitate community efforts that will preserve and improve the ecological conditions necessary for a healthy river system.
October 29, October 29, 2005 Work Plan and Timetable Instructions are on Page 10 Templates for each are provided on the GAP application web page. Follow instructions - Make sure to include the “mandatory tasks” in your work plan. Work Plan and Timetable may be combined into one document, if desired. Any Questions?
October 29, October 29, 2005 Budget Instructions are on Pages Applicants must complete the Budget Information Form provided on GAP Web Page (see Appendix A for sample) A 25% local match is required of all applications. Labor, in-kind services, and materials can count as match Labor, in-kind services, and materials can count as match Match beyond 25% is encouraged Match beyond 25% is encouraged Applicants may include the cost of staff, travel, equipment and supplies, and sample analysis needed to implement the volunteer monitoring activities
October 29, October 29, 2005 Tips, Suggestions, Etc. We are looking for well-designed monitoring projects that will produce reliable, high quality data Have a clear idea for why you want to collect data and how you plan to use data Have a clear idea for why you want to collect data and how you plan to use data Emphasize why your project will be successful and sustainable - staff qualifications (sound science), links to other projects, strong volunteer base, etc. Emphasize why your project will be successful and sustainable - staff qualifications (sound science), links to other projects, strong volunteer base, etc. Develop a strategy to evaluate your progress Develop a strategy to evaluate your progress Develop a strategy to recruit and retain volunteers Develop a strategy to recruit and retain volunteers
October 29, October 29, 2005 Tips, Suggestions, Etc. Be as clear and concise as possible and consider the evaluation criteria as you prepare the application Partner with aquatic expert advisors who can provide assistance and advice Call MiCorps staff for advice and assistance with your application
October 29, October 29, 2005 Questions? Contact: Ric Lawson, GLC Ph: or