CIVIC Bangalore Jain College Auditorium 9 th July 2014
Reason for Amendment One of the mandatory reforms suggested under the Jawaharalal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
CHAPTER-IIIA Area sabhas and Ward Committees Statement of objectives: to provide for ◦ Constitution of Area Sabhas and Ward Committees ◦ Entrusting functions and duties to the Area Sabha and Ward Committees and ◦ Institutionalizing ‘community/citizen participation’. ◦ In cities with more than 3 lakhs population Section 13 of KMC Act has been substituted with this amendment
Area: contiguous polling stations in a ward not exceeding five Area Sabha: body of all registered voters of Area Area Sabha representative ◦ From the area, nominated by Corporation with recommendation from the Councillor ◦ Presides over Area Sabha meetings Area Sabha Meetings ◦ Minimum once in three months ◦ Nodal officer is the convener. ◦ Decisions by consensus. If not, by majority
(1)forward proposals for schemes/development programmes (2) select eligible persons for beneficiary oriented schemes (3) submit list of ineligible beneficiaries (4)support tax mapping, remind and encourage members to pay (9)May identify the deficiencies in water supply, sanitation or street lights and suggest remedial measures (10) assist the activities in PHC, especially in disease prevention and family welfare,
One Ward Committee per Ward. Meets at least once in a month. Councilor as Chairperson. 10 members to be nominated by the Corporation At least 2 SC/ST 3 women 2 from registered associations. Co-terminus with the term of the office of the Council
Officer designated by the Commissioner as Secretary/Convener Decisions normally by the majority of the nominated members Chairperson may exercise a ‘veto’ over any decision
(1) prepare and submit Ward Development Scheme (2) ensure proper utilization of the funds allotted (3) approve the list of beneficiaries (4) scrutinize list of ineligible beneficiaries
(5) supervise all programmes and schemes (6) ensure timely collection of taxes, fees, etc. (7) ensure water supply maintenance in the ward and finalize location of new public taps and public wells (8) ensure sewerage system maintenance in the ward
(9) ensure proper solid waste management and sanitation work in the ward and finalize location of new public sanitation units (10) ensure maintenance of street lighting in the ward and finalize location of new street lights (11) ensure maintenance of parks, open spaces, greening of area in the ward (12) ensure afforestation, and implementation of rain water harvesting schemes.
(13) mobilize voluntary labour and donation for implementation of Ward Development Scheme (14) inform the Corporation of encroachment of Corporation land (15) perform such functions assigned to it by the Corporation as per its bye-laws
Each member of the ward committee can be allocated different portfolios depending on his expertise and interest. The Ward Committees should be asked to prepare a 5- year ward vision plan as per a Performance Management System (PMS) PMS to be based on human development and social infrastructure outcomes at ward level. All meetings open to the public
18 functions to be devolved to urban local bodies along with funds and functionaries –currently only functions devolved The Area Sabha Representative (ASR) should be elected by the area sabha to make him accountable to the people. Being nominated, the ASR will not be accountable to the people of the area but only to his political bosses.
Area Sabha Representative should be the member of the ward committee and represent his area. Ward committee members should be selected by various interest groups themselves Veto power of the councillor should be removed as it makes the concept of people’s participation meaningless.
Members of the Ward Committees who do not attend three consecutive meetings should be disqualified. Ward committees & ASs should get all information on projects planned for their areas, take decisions regarding the use of ward’s properties, give consent to projects planned in their ward, give inputs on CDP, budget, etc. Plan, prioritise and budget for their wards Hold officials accountable
There needs to be an Information & Statistics Committee at ward-level which will collect the necessary data and create a: Ward Human Development Index with information on life expectancy, literacy, income levels, IMR, MMR, malnourishment and nutrition status, BPL lists, eligibility lists for old-age, widow, physically-challenged pensions, etc. Ward Social Infrastructure Index to indicate number of PHCs, schools, anganwadis, day-care centres
If selection process, it should be a democratic process calling for applications, scrutinising them, with a selection committee to select the members All ward committee meetings shall be held on a fixed day in every month; publicity through autos and notice boards in ward office No confidence motion against chairman for not conducting meetings by W.C. members or 51% of Area Sabhas;penalties on officials
Sub-committees to look into specific issues can be set up Funds to be released only on conducting mandatory W.C. meetings 40% funds of municipality to be given as untied funds Ward committees to OK bills and impose penalties for non-performance of garbage and road contractors, etc.
Citizens to submit their grievances at the ward office daily between 9AM and 11AM. They shall receive an e-acknowledgement with unique tracking number. Asked to appear for a hearing on the next Friday’s ward public hearing between 12 noon and 3PM Right to be Heard at higher levels if grievance not solved Written reply within 21 days giving reasons, if any, for rejection of application
The Area Sabha shall be consulted before allowing /disallowing any commercial or industrial activity or any land use conversion, or acquisition of any land If yes, on what terms and conditions; At least fifty voters shall be present at the meeting of Area Sabha Minutes of meetings of the Area Sabha to be displayed on the website of the ward One NGO in each ward to be authorized to monitor functioning of the ward.