Case for MDP Retreat Dr. Bright is in the last year of her fellowship and planning on a career as a clinician-scientist doing clinical research. She has been very productive and is ready to submit a K award. She needs institution support for her application but your Department Chair is not ready to make the commitment.
Awards Mentored Clinical Scientists Development Program Award (K12; awarded to the institution) Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23) Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (K08) - support the career development of investigators committed to patient-oriented research years of support - At the time of award, the candidate must have a “full-time” appointment at the applicant’s academic institution
K Awards Mentor(s): must name a primary mentor - with the candidate is responsible for the program - accomplished investigator in the proposed area - track record of metnoring success - independent support to cover excess costs Institution: strong record of career development activities and qualified mentors - commitment to develop the candidate as a productive investigator - allow protected time
Institutional Commitment to Candidate’s Research Career Development Sponsoring institution must provide a statement of commitment to the candidate's development into a productive, independent investigator and to meeting the requirements of this award. It should be clear that the institutional commitment to the candidate is not contingent upon receipt of this career award Assurances that the candidate will be able to devote > 75% of full-time effort to their research program Provide office and laboratory space, equipment, and other resources and facilities Provide time and support for mentor(s) and/or other staff
Details… K awardee may not simultaneously submit or have an application pending for any other NIH career award (e.g., K01, K07, K08, K12, K22, K23, K25), a research project grant (R01), FIRST Awards (R29) Ineligible: current and former PI’s on NIH R01, comparable individual career development awards, equivalent non-PHS peer-reviewed research grants (>$100,000 direct costs / year), or project leaders on sub-projects of program project (P01) or center (P50) Eligible: former PI of NIH Small Grants (R03) or Exploratory/Developmental Grants (R21)