Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Basics of electrical engineering the 2nd. year Measuring system 2 Prepared by: Ing. Jiří Smílek Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Electromagnetic system – rotary iron Construction: Inside the coils are placed two blades fixed moving The moving blade is attached to a handle
Principal function: Mutual stresses exerted of two ferromagnetic materials in a magnetic field When the current passes through the coil it creates a magnetic field that repels the blades from each other Application: ◦ Measures DC and AC currents and voltages
Properties: Simplicity Operationally safe construction Large short-term overload Measures DC and AC Easily extend the range with an inverter - MTP/MTN Mark:
Electrodynamic system Construction: Inside the solid core coil is positioned a moving coil The moving coil is attached to a handle The fixed coil is divided into two parts – a larger homogenous field
Principal function: Mutual electrodynamic stresses of the currents of both coils The magnetic field coil creates motion torque M p = k I 1 I 2 Application: ◦ Measuring current and voltage – DC and AC ◦ Performance measurement
Properties: Small sensitivity Large consumption The influence of foreign fields – magnetic shielding Mark:
Ferrodynamic system Construction: Eletrodynamic system with a ferromagnetic core coil of sheet metal of silicon and steel.
Principal function: ◦ Same as electrodynamic system ◦ Ferromagnetic core increases sensitivity Application: ◦ Measurement of AC power
Properties: Greater sensitivity Less consumption Measures power output <1W Mark:
Name the well-known measuring systems ◦ Describe the construction 1. system Describe the principal function 1. system Draw the mark on the measuring device 1. system Name the applications of the system 1. system
Describe the construction 2. system Describe the principal function 2. system Draw the mark on the measuring device 2. system Name the applications of the system 2. system Compare systems 2 and 3
Mužík, J. Management ve vzdělávání dospělých. Praha: EUROLEX BOHEMIA, ISBN Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, ESF 2007 – Available at: konkurenceschopnosthttp:// konkurenceschopnost Electrical Measurement textbooks– Ing. Pavel Vylegala SŠE Ostrava, 2006 Electrical Measurement textbooks – SNTL, 1981