Fiscal Year th Quarter ADR/Investigation Findings (Data Source: I-trak Complaint Management System as of 10/13/2009)
Completed EEO Investigations The measure for FY 2009: –50% of investigations will be completed within the regulatory time frames. Regulatory time frames are under 180 days, unless extended by amendment (360 days) or extension (270 days). Definition: A completed Investigation is an investigation where the notice of election is sent to the complainant. Measure is being met with 66% of investigations completed within the regulatory time frames.
Informal ADR Measures The measure for FY 2009: –30% of informal complainants will participate in ADR. –ADR participation refers to when both the complainant and management officials agree to enter the ADR process. Only complainants whose counselings closed during the quarter are included in the calculation of participation rate. Effective June 2009, Treasury no longer excludes informal EEO counselings that are ineligible to participate in ADR from the total completed counseling counts. Measure is being met: 40% of informal complainants participated in the ADR process. (Had management not declined, 48% of informal complainants may have participated in the ADR process.)
Completed/Ended Counselings For 4th Quarter FY 2009 BUREAU COMPLETED COUNSELINGS ADR OFFERED ADR PARTICIPATION BEP12 7 BPD553 DO331 FMS321 IRS COUNSEL210 IRS MINT20 4 OIG000 OCC331 OTS100 TTB211 TIGTA000 FINCEN000 Treasury Total
TOTAL INFORMAL COMPLETED COUNSELINGS IN 4th QUARTER FY 2009 TOTAL COMPLETED COUNSELINGSADR OFFEREDADR ACCEPTED ADR Offer Rate of Completed Counselings in the Informal Complaint Process During 4th Quarter FY 2009 Note: Calculation of offer rate includes completed counselings that did not meet ADR participation criteria. This change in offer rate calculation was effective in June 2009 and was done to mirror EEOC’s offer rate calculations.
TOTAL INFORMAL COMPLETED COUNSELINGS IN 4th QUARTER FY 2009 TOTAL COMPLETED COUNSELINGSADR OFFEREDADR ACCEPTED ADR Participation Rate of Completed Counselings in the Informal Complaint Process During 4th Quarter FY 2009 Note: Calculation of participation rate includes completed counselings that did not meet ADR participation criteria. This change in participation rate calculation was effective in June 2009 and was done to mirror EEOC’s participation rate calculations.
ADR Declinations by Management or Contact in the Pre-Complaint Process During 4th Quarter FY 2009 TOTAL ADR DECLINATIONS IN 4th QUARTER FY 2009 TOTAL ADR DECLINATIONS DECLINED BY CONTACT DECLINED BY MANAGEMENT
Formal ADR Measures The measure for FY 2009: –ADR is offered to 80% of complainants who file complaints, and of those offered, achieve a 30% participation rate. –Participation rate refers to when both the complainant and management officials agree to enter the ADR process. Only complainants whose complaints closed during the quarter are included in the calculations of participation. The measure is not being met. ADR was offered to 45% of complainants who filed complaints, and of those offered, achieved a 9% participation rate. There were a total of 44 ADR declinations in the quarter, 29 (66%) declinations by the complainant and 15 declinations by management officials (34%). Had management not declined, a total of 26 complainants (21%) offered ADR may have participated in ADR.
TOTAL FORMAL COMPLAINT CLOSURES IN 4th QUARTER FY 2009 TOTAL CLOSURESADR OFFEREDADR ACCEPTED ADR Offer Rate in Complaint Closures in the Formal Complaint Process During 4th Quarter FY 2009 Note: Calculation of offer rate includes completed counselings that did not meet ADR participation criteria. This change in offer rate calculation was effective in June 2009 and was done to mirror EEOC’s offer rate calculations. 45% ADR OFFERED 55% ADR NOT OFFERED
ADR Participation Rate of Complaint Closures in Formal Complaint Process During 4th Quarter FY 2009 TOTAL FORMAL COMPLAINT CLOSURES IN 4 th QUARTER FY 2009 TOTAL CLOSURESADR OFFEREDADR ACCEPTED Note: Calculation of participation rate includes completed counselings that did not meet ADR participation criteria. This change in participation rate calculation was effective in June 2009 and was done to mirror EEOC’s participation rate calculations.
ADR Declinations by Management or Complainant in the Formal Complaint Process During 4th Quarter FY 2009 TOTAL ADR DECLINATIONS IN 4th QUARTER FY 2009 TOTAL ADR DECLINATIONS DECLINED BY COMPLAINANT DECLINED BY MANAGEMENT