2 Filing for UI Benefits Preferred method is online at By telephone through a Reemployment Call Center (RCC) –Union City – (201) – Freehold – (732) – Vineland – (856)
3 Base Year The Base Year is the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters Example: If a is filed claim in May 2013, the base year consists of any employment from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 Alternate base periods are available if the monetary requirements in the regular base year are not met
4 Base Year Breakdown Date of Claim: Base Period: January October 1 February to March September 30 April January 1 May to June December 31 July April 1 August to September March 31 October July 1 November to December June 30
5 Monetary Eligibility To have a valid claim, during the “Base Year” claimants must have: Worked in at least 20 weeks earning $145 per week or more or Earned at least $7,300 in gross wages
6 Weekly Benefit Rate (WBR) The maximum rate for 2013 is $624 The WBR is calculated by taking 60% of your Average Weekly Wage (which is your total wages earned ÷ weeks worked during your base year) Example: Earned $40,000 over 52 weeks AWW = $769 x 60% = $461 WBR
Educational institution employees are ineligible: between academic years or terms, during vacation periods and holiday recesses if reasonable assurance exists of returning to work in a similar capacity in the succeeding academic years, terms, vacation periods, or holiday recesses. The Law 43:21-4(g) 7
School Employees N.J.A.C. 12: Educational employees are ineligible –Any week the begins during the period between terms, vacations, and holiday recesses –Have reasonable assurance 8
Reasonable Assurance Agreement to return –Oral –Written –Implied Must return to same or similar work –Must consider changes in duties or salary 9
Ineligibility Period Begins Sunday of the calendar week following date of notice Notice can be written or verbal If assurance is given on Sunday, that Sunday begins ineligibility 10
School and Non School Wages Initial monetary made using all wages Adjudicate school issue (s) (enter det.) Redetermine monetary –Cannot use alternative base year Future pend for beginning of school year or end of break –Monetary must be adjusted when school resumes after break 11
Educational Institution Any public or non profit including higher education Students are offered organized course of study or training by teachers or instructors –Technical, academic, trade Approved and licensed by State DOE 12
Institution of Higher Education Admits only those having HS diploma or equivalent Legally authorized by State Provides a degree program or training for gainful employment Public or non profit All colleges and universities in this State are institutions of higher education 13