Mental Health / Child Welfare Partnership Meeting Financing Child Welfare Services Elliott Robinson March 17, 2006
Child Welfare Funding Sources CWS Allocation - $1,332,191,000 ($717,785,000 Fed, $423,420,000 SGF, $190,986 County) Title IV-ECase Mgt for children in FC or determined to be at imminent risk and staff development for staff administering State plan and caregivers. Prorated by proportion of caseload that is meets Federal eligibility. Federal share is 50% ofr case mgt and 75% for training. Open ended ($381,506,000) Title IV-BFlexible to meet elements in State plan. Used up quickly on direct services (e.g. counseling, community contracts) and case management for non-IV-E eligible children. Capped ($31,000,000) Title XIXHealth related Medi-Cal administration Federal share is 50%. If SPMP is performing specialized work not assigned to non-SPMP’s then the Federal Share is 75%. Open ended ($47,786,000) TANFEmergency assistance related efforts, includes hotline, investigations before imminent risk is established and shelter. Federal Share 82%. Capped ($170,079,000) Title XXState General Fund backfill. Capped ($53,513,000) SGFFlexible to meet elements in State plan. State share is 70% of non-Federal costs (noting exceptions for TANF and Title XX). Capped ($423,420,000) Augmentation Title IV-E ($34,266,000); SGF ($49,174,000); Title XX ($8,000,000)
Child Welfare Funding Sources CWS Outcome Improvement – multiple sources. No County share. Capped ($12,700,000) State Family Preservation - Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% for % of FC children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 70% non-Federal ($22,136,000) Adoptions – Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% for % of AAP children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 100%non-Federal ($40,728,000) Foster home Licensing - Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% for % of FC children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 100% non-Federal ($5,386,000) Foster Parent Training and Recruitment - Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% (recruitment) and 75% (training) for % of FC children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 100% non-Federal ($1,911,000) Perinatal Substance Abuse/Hiv Infant Program - Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% (recruitment) and 75% (training) for % of FC children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 70% non-Federal ($2,206,450) Specialized Training for Adoptive Parents - Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% (recruitment) and 75% (training) for % of FC children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 70% non-Federal ($1,000,000) Supportive and Therapeutic Options Program - Capped SGF at 70% ($9,954,000) Kinship Supportive Services Program - Capped SGF at 100% ($1,500,000) Promoting Safe and Stable Families - Capped Federal at 100% ($39,545,000) Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention And Treatment (CAPIT) Program - Capped SGF at 100% ($12,456,000) Independent Living - Capped Federal and SGF at 100% ($39,218,000)
Child Welfare Funding Sources Emancipated Youth Stipends – Capped SGF at 100% ($3,602,000) Transitional Housing Programs - Capped SGF at 60% ($1,368,000) Kinship / Foster Care Emergency Fund - Opened-ended Title IV-E at 50% for % of FC children IV-E eligible. Capped SGF at 100% non-Federal ($1,000,000) Assistance Payments – Foster Care Assistance Payments Adoptions Assistance Payments KinGAP Wraparound Other – Foster Parent Child Care Program Supplemental Security Income Realignment First Five Workforce Investment Act – Youth Program CalWORKs Foundations County General Fund Overmatch
CWD Cost Allocation Plan GENERIC OVERHEAD Space, Supplies, Consultation, Communications GENERIC SALARIES Director, Finance, HR Functional Support Salaries CalWORKs/OPA/Child Care Social Services Line Salaries EligibilityEmploymentFraudSocial Worker Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts CW MC FS GA WTW FSET CW FS CWS Adop IHSS APS Time Study hours Direct Pmts/CBO Contracts Fully loaded costs are the allocated costs of a single worker as time-studied including all operating costs and support staff
Title IV-E Challenges Claims for Federal matching funds based on training, data collection, case management, and other administrative costs on behalf of otherwise eligible children who are placed in settings ineligible for Title IV-E funding are available in only two circumstances: (1) In the case of a child who is placed in the home of a relative who is not a licensed foster care provider, for 12 months or as long as it takes a State to normally license a foster family home (whichever is shorter) and; (2) In the case of a child who is moved from an ineligible facility (e.g. juvenile detention center) to a licensed foster family home or an eligible child care institution, for no longer than 30 calendar days. In the case of a child who is at imminent risk of removal to foster care the State may only make administrative claims if: (1) Reasonable efforts are being made to prevent the removal of the child from the home or (if necessary) to pursue the removal; and (2) Not less than every 6 months the State determines that the child continues to be at imminent risk of removal. In other words, Title IV-E is VERY limited. Prevention work, hotline and investigation before imminent risk is determined are not eligible for Federal IV-E reimbursement. Nor are efforts to manage services for children who are in an ineligible placement (runaway, hospital, juvenile hall) if the child is not back in an eligible placement within 30 days.