Dr Laura Dan Chief Program Officer National Competitive Grants Program Update 3 December 2014
Web: arc.gov.au I The Program Branch Programs Branch Discovery Discovery Projects & Discovery Indigenous Committees DECRA, Future Fellowships & Laureate Fellowships Linkage Linkage Projects, ITRP & LIEF QBS Partnerships Centres and SRIs Postaward
Web: arc.gov.au I NCGP Update Commonwealth grants Streamlining NCGP Scheme deliveries Postaward Scheme calendar Challenges and opportunities for 2015
Web: arc.gov.au I Commonwealth grants In Commonwealth entities provided grants through 791 grant programmes 405 grant rounds advertised 62,634 grant applications submitted Over 12 million pages of grant applications submitted 26,377 grants awarded
Web: arc.gov.au I NCGP stats proposals 22,000 assessments 1300 new grants 8000 active grants 1600 post award requests
DP13-15 application numbers
Web: arc.gov.au I
2014 Special Research Initiatives Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes: Aims to build on the existing Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network and to establish a coordinated cross–disciplinary competitive research program to work towards finding a cure for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. Tropical Health and Medicine: To improve national capacity to identify risks to health security and biosecurity from re-emerging infectious diseases prevalent in tropical countries by building the Australian research capacity in tropical health and biomedical sciences. The Antarctic Gateway Partnership: To provide facilities and research funding for a partnership focussed on Antarctic and Southern Ocean research.
Funding duration for current schemes Scheme Funding duration (years) DISCOVERY Australian Laureate Fellowships Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Discovery Indigenous Discovery Projects 2015Up to 5 Future Fellowships LINKAGE ARC Centres of Excellence (2014)Up to 7 Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities Linkage Projects to 5 Industrial Transformation Research HubsUp to 5 Industrial Transformation Training Centres3 Special Research Initiativesvaries by initiative
Simplifying documents Funding rules The ARC has released one set of funding rules for the Discovery Program and one for the Linkage Program (excepting Centres and SRIs). These rules detail elements common to all funding schemes under each Program, with attachments specific to each scheme. Previously each scheme released separate funding rules. Funding Agreements
Simplifying forms Application forms – ways to increase the efficiency of its grant application processes—specifically the format and content of its application forms. Collecting information – what and how Eligibility – EER for DE16 in RMS 2.0 Reporting – new systems for the collection of end-of-year financial reporting information aimed at improving the requirement for manual manipulation of spreadsheets.
Working together Working with the NHMRC – The ARC is working with the NHMRC to ensure, as much as is possible, a consistent approach between the two agencies. – Some differences result from the different discipline responsibilities. Consultations with the sector
Web: arc.gov.au I Scheme calendar Advance publication of funding rules –25 August for schemes under the Linkage Program –13 October for schemes under the Discovery Program Advance publication of dates (opening and closing) Collaboration with the NHMRC on dates Indicative rejoinder dates
Scheme calendar
Feedback to unsuccessful applicants Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2015 Funding Outcomes - University of Exampleland Project IDLead CIOutcome 2015 $2016 $2017 $2018 $2019 $ TotalCommentsUnsuccessful Band DP Example, Prof Example Recommended For Funding $70,000$95,900$100,000$45,000 $310,900 DP Example, Prof Example Recommended For Funding $70,000$71,900$50,000 $191,900 DP Example, Prof Example Recommended For Funding $140,000$105,500$90,000 $335,500 DP Example, Prof Example Not Recommended For Funding This proposal is in the band 51% to 75% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Not Recommended For Funding This proposal is in the band 26% to 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Not Recommended For Funding This proposal is in the Top 10% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Not Recommended For Funding This proposal is in the bottom 25% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Not Recommended For Funding This proposal is in the band 11% to 25% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Ineligible This proposal was deemed ineligible as it did not meet the requirements specified in section C6.3 of the Discovery Projects Funding Rules for funding commencing in 2015.
Feedback to unsuccessful applicants Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2015 Unsuccessful Proposal Feedback by Criterion - University of Exampleland Project IDLead CI Score Band by Criterion (Investigator(s)) Score Band by Criterion (Project Quality and Innovation) Score Band by Criterion (Feasibility and Benefit) Score Band by Criterion (Research Environment) DP Example, Prof Example Below Top 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Band 11% to 25% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Band 26% to 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Below Top 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Top 10% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Band 11% to 25% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Band 26% to 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Top 10% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Below Top 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Band 26% to 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. Band 11% to 25% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel. DP Example, Prof Example Below Top 50% of unsuccessful proposals within the discipline panel.
Post award development Reducing red tape Reducing paperwork Combined funding agreements Combined End of Year reporting/Progress reports by Exception RMS 2.0 developments
Challenges and opportunities for 2015 More Consultation More Engagement More Collaboration
Thank you for your support in 2014! We’re looking forward to working with you in 2015!