ESRD-CAHPS Instrument Development Patricia Gallagher, PhD Center for Survey Research University of Massachusetts Boston CAHPS Harvard Team
Who is developing the ESRD survey? CAHPS II grantees from RAND, Harvard, and AIR. AHRQ and CMS staff participate as team members since this work is being performed via a cooperative agreement. –CMS renal professionals have served as technical advisors at every step.
Call for Measures Federal Register “Call for Measures” in August, Submissions received from 16 sources. More than 700 items reviewed. Criteria for selection included documented instrument/item validity and reliability and additional testing, e.g., field tests and cognitive testing.
In addition, we drew upon other sources to develop an instrument for testing including: an extensive literature review previous experience with CAHPS surveys state of the art scientific evidence
The CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development I. Develop survey instruments that are suitable for and allow valid comparisons across a wide range of potential users.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development II. Focus on assessments of health care experiences for which consumers are the best or only source of information.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development III. Focus on information that consumers want and need to know.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development IV. Make sure that the data are as accurate and reliable as possible.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development V. Develop survey instruments that are inexpensive and easy to use as possible.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development VI. Develop survey instruments and reports in concert.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development VII. Obtain both reports of specific patient experiences and overall ratings.
CAHPS Design Principles for Survey Development VIII. Provide a ‘core’ set of items that apply to all entities fielding the survey, with the option of adding supplemental questions to address specific needs.
Examples of Submitted Items This staff always treats me with a great deal of respect and never “talks down” to me. [Strongly Disagree; Slightly Disagree; Neutral; Slightly Agree; Strongly Agree] How satisfied are you with the respect, dignity and concern shown to you by the technicians? [Very Satisfied; Satisfied; Dissatisfied; Very Dissatisfied]
Examples of proposed ESRD-CAHPS items to measure the quality of staff/patient interactions How long have you been on hemodialysis at {NAME OF FACILITY}? [If <3 months, ineligible] In the last 3 months, how often did the dialysis center staff explain things in a way that was easy for you to understand? [Never; Sometimes; Usually; Always] In the last 3 months, how often did the dialysis center staff show respect for what you had to say? [Never; Sometimes; Usually; Always]
Can the ESRD-CAHPS survey be combined with existing surveys? The ESRD-CAHPS instrument is being designed to accommodate items from existing surveys. Testing of an integrated questionnaire will allow facilities to track the trending of data for quality improvement purposes.
Testing of the draft ESRD Instrument to date Cognitive Testing Instrument revised based on testing
Additional Testing of the Draft ESRD Instrument Planned Another round of Cognitive Interviewing Revise instrument - based on additional testing Pilot Test
Our goal is to develop practical, workable solutions in collaboration with dialysis facilities and others who have an interest in using the ESRD-CAHPS data.