Green jobs pilot surveys in Albania


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Presentation transcript:

Green jobs pilot surveys in Albania Prepared by: Pranvera ELEZI

Pilot GJS in Albania INSTAT received funding to test newly developed methodologies for the collection of basic information on green jobs from establishment and household survey. The main objective of the project was to test the experimental questionnaire designed by ILO intended to collect information on green jobs through establishment and household based surveys, as well as to evaluate the whole survey processes.

Questionnaires design For both pilot surveys the ILO experimental model questionnaire was used to design the Albanian GJS questionnaires. All compulsory and optional variables were directly asked or could be easily derived from its questions. A manual was attached to the questionnaire and its comprehensibility was tested during the pilot survey.

Key questions…. Do the enterprises or households hold the relevant data? Is the information available to enterprises in a form which can be easily accessed? Are questions and concepts easily understood by the enterprises and households? Do any questions need rephrasing? Did any question pose special difficulties? What are the general reactions of enterprises and households? How reliable are the data obtained from the questionnaire? Is there any need to make revisions to the explanatory notes?

Enterprise-based pilot GJS Sampling size: 300 enterprises randomly selected. Coverage size classes 0-19; 20-49; 50-79; 80-249; 250+. NACE Rev 2 divisions B to S (excluded K and O). 3 digit level of NACE used for some divisions to guarantee a better representativeness. The sample of enterprises provides a cross-section of “potential problem areas”, in terms of size of enterprise and economic activity.

Household-based pilot GJS Sample size: 1003 HH (126 PSU) which represented one fifth of LFS sample of the 4th quarter 2013, and were entering in the rotating panel for the fist wave. Coverage: 12 prefectures of Albania The interviewers were instructed to interview two individuals in each of the selected HH which were employed in the last 12 months. The variable employment status was used to identify all employed persons within the HH. For the pilot GJS the interviewers did not take place at the same time as LFS because LFS had started in October 2013 whereas the fieldwork of GJS started in November 2013.

Household response rate   Number Questionnaires delivered to households 1,003 Non contacts (ineligible units) 61 Refusal 9 Completed questionnaires 933 Completed questionnaires for the GJS focus (employed in the last 12 months) 1,226

Enterprise response rate   Number Questionnaires delivered to enterprises 300 Non contacts (ineligible units) 65 Refusal 15 Completed questionnaires 220

Lesson learnt In ES we collected information on the economic activity of the enterprises. In the pilot HH-based GJS, the economic activity was not collected, but LFS data were used to make crosschecks at individual records. A matched dataset was created and used to control the effect of non sampling errors in the LFS and the pilot HH-based GJS. The percentage of agreement between HH-based GJS and LFS was 72%.

Percentage of employed engaged in production of environmental goods and services intended for consumption outside their worksite, by economic activity (based on the matched GJS-LFS dataset)

HH based GJS results

During the last 12 months did you spent more than half of your working time actively involved in the production of the environmental goods & services (by age-group)

Environmental processes

Steps needed to be taken…. What percentage of your time is spent on environmentally friendly technologies and practices? Out of 633 employed who were engaged in any environmental processes, 4% declared that have worked in all listed processes. This question on the working time devoted to the environmentally friendly technologies and practices need to be reformulated /changed. The concept green job was understood initially by HH as working in agriculture. 43% of employed (in the matched LFS GJS file), worked in agriculture.

Thank you for your attention!