Measles Case Definition Any child with fever and maculopapular rash (Non Vesicular ) and Cough and Coryza (Runny nose) or Conjunctivitis
Measles Vaccination Status Fully Immunized – Received 2 doses of MCV Partially Immunized – Received only 1 dose of MCV Not Immunized – Not received any MCV Not eligible for vaccine – Less than 9 months of age
Male – 255 (OPD/IPD) (1,0) (139,15) (41,2) (55,2)
Female – 171 (OPD/IPD) (5,1) (82,9) (24,1) (45,4)
(177,131) (63,33) (2,3) (2,1) (10,3) (1,0)
Month – Wise cases
Mumps Case definition Acute Onset Unilateral/Bilateral Self limiting Parotid/other salivary swelling Two or more days No apparent cause
Mumps Vaccination Status Fully Immunized – Received 2 doses of MCV Partially Immunized – Received only 1 dose of MCV Not Immunized – Not received any MCV Not eligible for vaccine: Less than 15 months
(1,0) (58,5) (0, 0) (119,6)
(1,0) (23,1) (0, 0) (41,3)